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发布时间:2018-03-10 10:24

  本文选题:文化多元化 切入点:大学生思想政治教育 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,,随着经济全球化的迅猛发展,不同文化之间的交流与合作愈益频繁,文化多元化已成为当代社会发展的现实。文化多元化的实质是价值观的多元化。多元价值观的碰撞,对人的思想必然产生深刻影响,尤其是对敏感的、乐于接受新思想的大学生群体。做大学生思想政治工作的大学生思想政治教育活动的实效性深受文化多元化的影响。 文化多元化对大学生思想政治教育实效性的影响有正负两个方面。正面影响主要有:大学生思想开放,思维活跃;大学生自主自立和竞争意识增强;大学生积极参与,注重合作;大学生努力进取,善于创新等。负面影响主要有:大学生在文化认同上产生偏差,意识形态观念淡化;大学生在价值取向上产生偏差,价值取向日益世俗化;大学生在道德上产生偏差,道德标准混乱,道德行为失范;大学生在心理上产生偏差,心理问题较多,心理疾病频发。 文化多元化背景下大学生思想政治教育实效性较差的主要原因,一是对多元文化的冲击准备不够,思想政治教育遭受了严重打击——多元文化冲击下,大学生的思想政治教育被轻视;多元文化冲击下,大学生的思想政治教育出现偏差。二是文化多元化背景下大学生思想政治教育的变化、创新不足:大学生思想政治教育未能适应文化环境的改变;思想政治教育者未能把握住大学生群体的变化;大学生思想政治教育的理念、目标、内容、方式、方法缺乏创新。三是文化多元化背景下大学生思想政治环境的恶化:文化多元化背景下大学生思想政治教育宏观环境的恶化;文化多元化背景下大学生思想政治教育微观环境的恶化。 文化多元化背景下增强大学生思想政治教育实效性的基本对策有以下几点:一是适应文化多元化,把握大学生思想意识的新变化。二是坚持符合时代要求的教育理念:实施以学生为本的思想政治教育;实施以学生为主体的思想政治教育;实施民主的思想政治教育;实施和谐的思想政治教育。三是制定适度有效的教育目标:教育目标要反映现实社会及其发展的需要;教育目标要反映文化多元化的时代背景;教育目标要反映大学生的思想品德需求。四是传递适应时代和学生需要的教育内容:突出社会主义核心价值体系教育;抓牢社会主义和谐社会的价值观教育;重视社会主义市场经济观念与规范教育;关注大学生个体思想品德与心理;融入中国传统文化和道德教育。五是运用有利于激发学生积极性的教育方式和方法:运用探索研究、实践活动为主的教育方式;运用讨论、案例、情境为主的教育方法。六是优化大学生思想政治教育环境:优化大学生思想政治教育的宏观环境;优化大学生思想政治教育的微观环境。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of economic globalization, exchanges and cooperation among different cultures have become more and more frequent. Cultural pluralism has become the reality of contemporary social development. The essence of cultural pluralism is the diversity of values. The collision of pluralistic values will inevitably have a profound impact on people's thinking, especially sensitive. The effectiveness of ideological and political education activities of college students who are willing to accept new ideas is deeply influenced by cultural diversity. The influence of cultural diversity on the effectiveness of college students' ideological and political education is positive and negative. The positive effects are mainly: college students' ideological openness, active thinking, college students' self-supporting and competitive consciousness, college students' active participation, and the positive effects of cultural diversity on the effectiveness of ideological and political education of college students. Emphasis on cooperation; college students strive to forge ahead, be good at innovation, etc. The negative effects mainly include: the deviation of university students' cultural identity, the desalination of ideology, the deviation of college students' value orientation, and the increasing secularization of value orientation; College students have deviations in morality, confusion in moral standards and abnormal moral behavior, and college students have deviations in psychology, many psychological problems and frequent psychological diseases. The main reasons for the poor effectiveness of college students' ideological and political education under the background of cultural diversity are as follows: first, they are not prepared for the impact of multiculturalism, and the ideological and political education has suffered a serious blow-under the impact of multiculturalism. The ideological and political education of college students is despised; under the impact of multiculturalism, the ideological and political education of college students deviates. The second is the change of ideological and political education of college students under the background of cultural pluralism. Lack of innovation: the ideological and political education of college students can not adapt to the change of the cultural environment; the ideological and political educators fail to grasp the changes of the group of college students; the ideas, objectives, contents and ways of the ideological and political education of college students, Third, the deterioration of college students' ideological and political environment under the background of cultural diversity: the deterioration of macro environment of college students' ideological and political education under the background of cultural diversity; Under the background of cultural diversity, the microcosmic environment of ideological and political education of college students deteriorates. The basic countermeasures to enhance the effectiveness of college students' ideological and political education under the background of cultural diversity are as follows: first, to adapt to cultural diversity, To grasp the new changes of college students' ideological consciousness, the second is to adhere to the educational ideas that meet the requirements of the times: to carry out student-oriented ideological and political education, to carry out student-oriented ideological and political education, to carry out democratic ideological and political education; To implement harmonious ideological and political education, the third is to formulate appropriate and effective educational goals: the educational goals should reflect the needs of the real society and its development, the educational goals should reflect the background of the times of cultural diversity; The aim of education should reflect the ideological and moral needs of college students. Fourth, it is necessary to transfer the contents of education to meet the needs of the times and students: to highlight the education of the socialist core value system, to grasp the education of the values of the socialist harmonious society; Attach importance to the concept and standard education of socialist market economy; pay attention to the individual moral character and psychology of college students; integrate into Chinese traditional culture and moral education. The educational method of practice activity is mainly used in discussion, case and situational education. Sixth, optimize the environment of ideological and political education of college students: optimize the macro environment of ideological and political education of college students; Optimize the micro environment of college students' ideological and political education.


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