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发布时间:2018-03-10 13:48

  本文选题:和谐校园 切入点:高校教师 出处:《江西理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:构建社会主义和谐社会,是党中央提出的战略任务和奋斗目标,是关系建设中国特色社会主义事业成败的一项战略任务。和谐校园是伴随“和谐社会”而提出的一种新的教育理念,高等学校作为教育体系的重要组成部分,在国家生存与发展中所占据的战略地位日益上升,理应承担起在构建和谐社会中应付的责任。高校教师和管理人员是现代高等学校中两大基本组成群体,共同决定大学的发展目标、资源分配以及学术项目等重大事项。两者关系的和谐,有利于促进建设和谐校园,使学校健康发展;同时有利于营造良好的高校教育管理氛围,调动全体教职员工的工作积极性,团结一致地完成高校组织任务目标,为社会主义和谐社会建设提供源源不断的人才、知识、技术支持具有相当重要的意义。 本文运用文献分析法、调查研究法、多学科综合研究法等方式对高校教师和管理人员关系的现状进行梳理归纳。通过分析研究发现,教师与管理人员之间的关系有融洽的一面也有不和谐的现象;教师与管理人员之间的关系不和谐现象以潜隐性为主;教师与管理人员在处理关系问题的方式以融合性为主。 通过对高校教师和管理人员发放调查问卷和进行访问谈话,分析统计结果,,找出对教师与管理人员间关系不和谐的原因,发现双方相互依赖中存在的矛盾,学校内部制度、机制上的不完善,社会不良风气所带来的消极影响是造成关系不和谐的客观原因;两者的角色差异和不同的价值取向是造成关系不和谐的主观原因。 为达到调整教师与管理人员之间不和谐关系,发挥高校培养人才的最大作用,提出五点建议:加强高校政治文化建设;明确角色定位和摆正职业心态;合理分配和运用学术权力和行政权力;掌握沟通科学与艺术;加强职业道德规范建设。
[Abstract]:Building a harmonious socialist society is the strategic task and goal of the CPC Central Committee. It is a strategic task related to the success or failure of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. A harmonious campus is a new educational concept put forward along with "harmonious society". Colleges and universities are an important part of the educational system. The strategic position occupied in the survival and development of our country is rising day by day, so we should bear the responsibility of building a harmonious society. The teachers and administrators of colleges and universities are the two basic groups in modern colleges and universities. The harmony of the relationship between the two is conducive to the construction of a harmonious campus and the healthy development of the school, at the same time, it is conducive to creating a good atmosphere for the management of higher education. It is of great significance to arouse the enthusiasm of all teaching staff, to fulfill the organizational task goal of colleges and universities in a United manner, and to provide continuous talents, knowledge and technical support for the construction of a harmonious socialist society. In this paper, the current situation of the relationship between teachers and administrators in colleges and universities is summarized by the methods of literature analysis, investigation and multi-disciplinary comprehensive research. The relationship between teachers and managers has both harmonious and disharmonious phenomena; the relationship between teachers and managers is mainly latent recessive phenomenon; teachers and managers in the way of dealing with the relationship between the integration of the main. By issuing questionnaires and interviews to university teachers and administrators, this paper analyzes the statistical results, finds out the causes of the disharmony between teachers and administrators, and finds out the contradictions existing in the interdependence between the two sides, and the school internal system. The imperfection of the mechanism and the negative influence brought by the bad social atmosphere are the objective reasons for the disharmony of the relationship, and the difference of roles and the different value orientation between the two are the subjective reasons for the disharmony of the relationship. In order to adjust the disharmonious relationship between teachers and administrators and bring into play the greatest role of cultivating talents in colleges and universities, five suggestions are put forward: strengthening the construction of political culture in colleges and universities, clarifying the role orientation and straightening out the professional mentality; Rational allocation and application of academic and administrative power; mastery of communication science and art; strengthening the construction of professional ethics.


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