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  本文选题:高等教育 切入点:高等教育管理 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高等教育管理的研究范式是指高等教育管理研究共同体对高等教育管理研究的本体论、认识论和方法论的基本承诺,是他们所一致接受并遵循的问题、理论和方法的集合,并用于指导高等教育管理研究实践。之所以要对高等教育管理研究范式这一问题进行研究和探讨,首先是因为高等教育管理研究指导着我国高等教育管理实践,其研究成果为我国高等教育管理实践提供理论指导和实践指南,也决定了我国高等教育发展的路线和方向;其次在于我国高等教育管理研究的现状令人担忧,虽然取得了丰富的研究成果,但是也存在对管理实践的解释乏力,难以指导管理实践的问题,形成一个成熟的研究范式是学者们共同努力的方向;此外,复杂性理论为本研究提供了宝贵的理论资源,对我国高等教育管理研究范式的确立具有重要的指导意义。本研究所采用是理性思辨基础上的批判反思的研究策略,采取了定性与定量相结合的研究方法论。 研究高等教育管理的研究范式,首先需要对研究的现状进行一个客观的充分的了解。本研究选取了人大复印资料《高等教育》(2008-2012)高等教育管理类的1071篇文献作为样本,针对这些文章所关注的问题、研究的方法以及研究者进行了定量的分析。在作者分布上,高校仍然是研究的主力军,拥有高级职称的作者居多,单纯的研究者居多,本领域的研究者居多。在研究领域上,总体以宏观管理问题研究为主,对微观应用的问题关注也开始增多;对高等教育评价的关注提升到了新的高度,但多数是实证研究;对元高等教育管理问题开始关注但缺乏重视;对大学管理制度的研究上升到了至关重要的位置;个别院校形成了研究特色,但大多数院校还是缺乏自己的研究特点。在研究方法方面,理论思辨法和经验总结法仍然是我国高等教育管理研究采用的最主要的研究方法,但比例有所下降;实证研究占据了重要位置;跨学科研究方法使用越来越频繁;个案研究也进入了十分重要的位置;质的研究方法、模型分析法、比较研究法和文献资料分析法运用较少。 接下来本研究对我国现存的研究范式进行了梳理和探讨。目前我国高等教育管理研究主要存在着以下几种研究范式:从经验总结到学科理论建构的理性思辨范式;科学管理取向的实证研究范式;实践取向的多学科研究范式;“文化-人”取向的文化价值研究范式。思辨研究范式主要包含了经验总结和学科理论构建,该范式指导下的研究虽然取得了相当的成就,但是也存在着与实践脱节的弊病。实证研究范式为我国高等教育管理研究带来了许多显性的、可观察和可测量和益处,也提高了管理研究和实践的实效性,但是也因过分注重量化而导致复杂问题简单化并且难以揭示现象背后所蕴含的价值和意义。多学科研究范式宽阔了研究视域,提升了解决实际问题的能力,但是也存在着简单套用其他学科理论、缺少对话和生搬硬套的痕迹。文化价值范式为研究增加了人情味,也为管理实践增加了很多柔性的因子,但是也因其过于理性化和宏大的叙事方式,在实践中也被高高挂起。 在对现有研究范式进行反思的基础上,本研究提出了我国高等教育管理研究范式的应然构想——复杂性范式。高等教育管理是复杂的。首先,高等教育管理对象也就是高等教育系统是复杂的,它由大量要素构成,存在着显著的非线性特征,拥有开放性和环境依赖性,具有远离平衡态特征,具有多重时间尺度,具有自组织特征;其次,高等教育管理主体是复杂的,高等教育管理者是作为复杂人而存在的,而高等教育组织系统也具有显著的复杂性;再次,高等教育的管理过程更是复杂的。复杂性研究范式秉承有机自然观和主客体耦合的认识趣向,采用融贯的方法论。复杂性范式的高等教育管理研究,在研究思维上坚持非线性思维、关系思维和生成思维;在研究共同体组成上,坚持管理者、研究者和被管理者有机结合,本领域研究者和其他学科领域研究者交叉融通;在研究视域上,要求广泛开展能指导具体实践的中观层面的研究,选择那些实践着的、熟悉的、体验着的研究领域、问题和视角,重视对个案问题的研究,重视对新领域、边缘领域的研究,还要打开方法论的研究视域,重视对元问题的研究;在研究方法上,要采用跨学科的研究方法,采用思辨与实证相结合的研究方法,重视行动研究,最终达到科学与艺术的完美结合。
[Abstract]:The research paradigm of higher education management refers to the management of community higher education on Higher Education Management Research ontology, understanding basic commitment and methodology, they agree to accept and follow the problem, set theory and method, and used to guide the practice of higher education management research. The reason for the study and Discussion on the paradigm of higher education management research this problem, firstly because of the higher education management research guides China's higher education management practice, the research results provide theoretical guidance and practice guidelines for China's higher education management practice, also determines the route and direction of the development of higher education in China; second is the higher education management research present situation is me our concerns, although made great achievements, but also to explain the practice of management is weak, it is difficult to guide the management practice of the problem, the formation of A mature research paradigm is the direction of the joint efforts of scholars; in addition, complexity theory provides valuable theoretical resources for the study has important guiding significance to the establishment of China's higher education management research paradigm. The study adopts strategies of rational critical reflection on the basis of theoretical research, take the method the combination of qualitative and quantitative theory.
The research paradigm of higher education management research, the research status about the first need to make an objective understanding. This study selected the copy data of Higher Education (2008-2012) > > 1071 references of higher education management as a sample, the concern for these problems, research methods and research carried out quantitative analysis. In the distribution of authors, the university is still the main force in the study, the author with senior technical titles are on only the majority, researchers in the field of the majority. In the field of research, the main research overall to macro management problems, focus on the application of the micro problems also began to increase; to improve evaluation the attention of higher education to a new level, but most empirical research on higher education management; Yuan began to pay attention to but lack of attention; the study of college management system up to. Important position; individual colleges and universities have formed research characteristics, but most schools still lack of its own characteristics. In terms of research method, theoretical analysis method and experience summary method is still the main research method of higher education management research in our country by, but the proportion declined; empirical research occupies an important position; Interdisciplinary research the method used more and more frequently; case study also entered into a very important position; the qualitative research method, model analysis, comparative study and literature analysis method to use less.
The following are discussed and explored the existing research paradigm in China. At present, China's higher education management research mainly exist the following research paradigm: from experience to theory and practice of rational thinking paradigm; empirical research paradigm orientation of management science; multidisciplinary research paradigm of practice orientation; "culture" the cultural value orientation of research paradigm. Theoretical research paradigm mainly includes the construction experience and theory research under the guidance of the paradigm has made considerable achievements, but there are also disadvantages and practice. Empirical research paradigm for the study of higher education management in China has brought a lot of explicit, observable and measurable and the benefits, also improves the effectiveness of management research and practice, but also caused by excessive attention to quantitative complicated problem and it is difficult to reveal the phenomenon The value and meaning behind it. The multidisciplinary research paradigm has broad horizon, to enhance the ability of solving practical problems, but there are also simple to apply theories of other disciplines, the lack of dialogue and derivative traces. The paradigm of cultural value adds to the human study, but also adds a lot of flexibility factor for the practice of management, but also because of too rational and grand narrative, in practice it is inaccessible.
Based on the reflections on the existing research paradigm, this study puts forward the conception of ideal -- the complexity paradigm paradigm of China's higher education management research. Higher education management is complex. Firstly, the higher education management object that higher education system is complex, which is composed of a large number of elements, there are significant nonlinear characteristics, with openness and environment dependence, has the characteristic of far from equilibrium state, with multiple time scales, with self organizing feature; secondly, the subject of higher education management is complex, the management of higher education is to exist as a complex one, and the higher education organization system has significant complexity; thirdly, the management of higher education is more complex. The complexity paradigm uphold the organic view of nature and the subjective and objective understanding of the coupling trend, using the method of coherence theory. Higher education management paradigm of complexity Science research, adhere to the non-linear thinking in research thinking, thinking and thinking in the formation; the research community composition, adhere to the combination of managers, researchers and managers, the researchers in the field of research and other disciplines cross financing; in research field, wide research can guide the practice of the middle level the choice of those practice, familiar with the research experience, problems and perspectives, pay attention to the case study of the problem, pay attention to the new field of research, the edge field, but also to open the methodology of the research perspective, research and attention to the problem; in the research method, using research methods interdisciplinary, the theoretical research methods combined with empirical attention, action research, ultimately achieve the perfect combination of science and art.



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