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发布时间:2018-03-10 19:39

  本文选题:思想政治教育 切入点:麦肯锡“7S模型” 出处:《西安科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化、高等教育国家化的深入发展,给始终走在社会新技术、新思想的一种特殊群体——大学生,既带了机遇,又带来了巨大的冲击和挑战。党的十六大以来,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央把育人作为学校教育之本,把德育放在学校教育首位,大学生思想政治教育得到重点关注,从而取得了显著成效。2004年8月26日,中共中央、国务院下发了《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》(中发〔2004〕16号),充分表明了党和政府对大学生思想政治教育的高度重视和对大学生健康成长的殷切希望。2012年,党的十八大对思想政治教育提出了许多新目标、新内容与新要求,,结合思想政治教育,主要体现在社会主义核心价值观的践行、增强社会责任感教育、推进道德建设和开展依法治国教育。党的十八大也为高校思想政治教育及其学科建设提出了新的指导思想,发展了中国特色社会主义理论。 本文以研究整个大学生思想政治教育的改进措施为出发点,综合运用了文献研究、问卷调查、比较研究相结合的方法,研究得出了:加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,是一个复杂而系统的过程。“战略”是根本,“结构”和“制度”是手段,“风格”、“人员”、“技术”是支撑,七要素协调发展,相互促进,才能从整体上落实好大学生思想政治教育,从而提高大学生的思想政治教育水平。 文章的创新之处是在大学生思想政治教育中引进了麦肯锡顾问公司研究中心设计的企业组织七要素[简称“7S模型”:包括结构(Structure)、制度(Systems)、战略(Strategy)、风格(Style)、共同的价值观(Shared Values)、员工(Staff)、技能(Skill)],利用模型的价值与工具意义,系统的提出了与七要素相对应的对策措施。
[Abstract]:With the deepening development of economic globalization and nationalization of higher education, college students, a special group that has always walked in new social technologies and new ideas, have brought both opportunities and great shocks and challenges. Since the 16th National Congress of the CPC, The CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Hu Jintao as its general secretary, regards educating people as the foundation of school education and putting moral education in the first place in school education. The ideological and political education of college students has been given priority attention, and remarkable results have been achieved. In August 26th 2004, the CPC Central Committee, The State Council issued the "opinions on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political Education of College students" (Zhongfa / 2004) No. 16, which fully demonstrated the great importance attached by the Party and the government to the ideological and political education of college students and the ardent hope for the healthy growth of college students. 2012, The 18 National Congress of the Party has put forward many new goals, new contents and new requirements for ideological and political education, which are mainly reflected in the practice of socialist core values and the enhancement of social responsibility education. The Party's 18 National Congress has also put forward a new guiding ideology for ideological and political education and discipline construction in colleges and universities and developed the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Based on the study of the improvement measures of the ideological and political education of the whole college students, this paper makes comprehensive use of the methods of literature research, questionnaire investigation and comparative study, and concludes that: strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students, It is a complicated and systematic process. "Strategy" is fundamental, "structure" and "system" are means, "style", "personnel" and "technology" are the support, the seven elements develop harmoniously and promote each other, so as to carry out the ideological and political education of college students as a whole. So as to improve the ideological and political education level of college students. The innovation of the article is the introduction of seven elements of business organization designed by McKinsey Consulting Research Center in college students' ideological and political education. Take advantage of the value and instrumental meaning of the model. The countermeasures corresponding to the seven elements are put forward systematically.


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