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发布时间:2018-03-11 01:19

  本文选题:图书情报课程设置 切入点:档案学课程设置 出处:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:20世纪70年代以来,计算机信息技术的飞速发展与广泛应用对图书情报与档案管理类专业教育产生了巨大的影响,信息技术的冲击客观上要求课程设置必须反映出社会信息化的大趋势与信息技术的新成果,而学科发展一体化趋势也客观上迫切要求对图书情报与档案管理类本科专业课程体系进行调整,实现课程资源整合与共享,文献调研结果表明,现阶段国内外学者对图书情报与档案管理类本科专业课程资源建设问题的研究起步较晚,研究不够深入,研究视角比较狭窄,因此,在社会信息化的背景下开展图书情报与档案管理类本科专业课程建设研究具有重要的理论和实践意义,是提高图书情报与档案管理类本科专业教育质量、建设高素质专业化人才队伍的中心环节与重要保证。 目前我国图书情报与档案管理类本科专业课程体系设置存在若干问题,这些问题集中体现在培养目标趋同单一化、课程设置的体系性和灵活性不强、跨学科专业课程资源开发不足、实践类课程资源建设质量参差不齐、专业课程资源共建共享理念缺失等方面。立足这些问题,本文基于一级学科架构与区域差异等视角,从完善人才培养标准,完善课程设置标准,,完善课程内容标准,整合高校间图书情报与档案管理类本科专业课程资源,理顺专业课程资源建设中的本科生课程与研究生课程、必修课程与选修课程、理论类课程与实践类课程、传统课程与网络课程的关系等几个层面探讨建设课程资源的针对性策略。
[Abstract]:Since 1970s, the rapid development and wide application of computer information technology have had a great impact on the education of library, information and archives management. The impact of information technology requires that the curriculum must reflect the general trend of social information and the new achievements of information technology. The trend of subject development and integration also requires the adjustment of the course system of the undergraduate course of library, information and archives management to realize the integration and sharing of curriculum resources. The results of literature research show that, At the present stage, scholars at home and abroad have started the research on the construction of curriculum resources for the undergraduate specialty of library, information and archives management relatively late, the research is not deep enough, the research angle of view is relatively narrow, therefore, Under the background of social informatization, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to carry out the research on the course construction of the undergraduate specialty of library, information and archives management, which is to improve the quality of the undergraduate education of the library, information and archives management. The central link and important guarantee of building a high-quality professional talent team. At present, there are some problems in the curriculum system of the undergraduate major of library, information and archives management in our country. These problems are embodied in the homogenization of the training goal and the lack of systematization and flexibility of the curriculum. The development of interdisciplinary curriculum resources is insufficient, the construction quality of practical curriculum resources is uneven, and the concept of co-construction and sharing of professional curriculum resources is missing. Based on these problems, this paper bases on the perspective of first-level discipline structure and regional differences. From perfecting the talent training standard, perfecting the curriculum setting standard, perfecting the course content standard, integrating the undergraduate course resources of library, information and archives management between colleges and universities, straightening out the undergraduate course and the graduate course in the construction of the specialized course resources, The strategies of constructing curriculum resources are discussed from the aspects of compulsory courses and elective courses, theoretical courses and practical courses, and the relationship between traditional courses and network courses.


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