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发布时间:2018-03-11 00:08

  本文选题:西部地区 切入点:贫困大学生 出处:《长安大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校贫困大学生资助育人体系构建及其实施是建设和谐校园、落实科学发展观的一项重大举措。近年来,针对高校贫困大学生的资助体系不仅帮助家庭经济困难学生顺利完成学业,而且以资助形式为依托,发挥了其育人功能,实现了高等教育培养人的根本任务。随着高校资助工作的推进,目前我国高校的资助工作中,国家对高等院校贫困生的助学力度逐年加大,国家助学金评选程序逐年规范、细化。国家助学金政策体现了党和政府对社会公平的追求,对学生人性的尊重,体现了社会和个人的和谐统一。然而,随着近年资助面逐步扩大,资助额度明显增加,因为制度设计的缺陷,这种以物质扶贫为主,忽视精神扶贫和心理扶助的助学金资助方式只能是治标不治本,导致在实施现行资助政策过程中出现了一系列弊端,对学生的健康成长造成不利影响。 本课题以西部地区高校、大学生为研究对象,就其资助型育人机制构建给予考查,综合采用文献研究、座谈、访谈等手段,,通过对当前我国高校资助机制的现状考查,对资助与育人结合、存在的问题、原因进行分析,分别提出资助型育人机制构建的原则、目标、路径和体制保障,将资助与育人有机结合,使当前我国资助政策达到效益的最大化。具有一定的创新性、时代性以及操作性。
[Abstract]:The construction and implementation of the education system for impoverished college students is an important measure to build a harmonious campus and implement the scientific concept of development. The financial aid system for poor college students not only helps students with financial difficulties to finish their studies smoothly, but also gives full play to their educational function based on the form of financial aid. It has realized the basic task of training people in higher education. With the promotion of university financial aid, the national aid for poor students in colleges and universities has been increasing year by year, and the selection procedure of state grant has been standardized year by year. The National Grant Policy embodies the party and government's pursuit of social equity, respect for the human nature of students, and harmony and unity between society and individuals. However, with the gradual expansion of the scope of funding in recent years, the amount of financial assistance has increased significantly. Because of the defects in the system design, this form of financial aid, which focuses on material poverty alleviation and neglects mental poverty alleviation and psychological support, can only be a temporary and non-curative measure, resulting in a series of malpractices in the implementation of the current subsidy policy. It has an adverse effect on the healthy growth of students. This subject takes the universities and college students in the western region as the research object, gives an examination on the construction of the aid-type education mechanism, synthetically adopts the methods of literature research, discussion, interview and so on, through the examination of the current situation of the funding mechanism of our country's colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the existing problems and causes of the combination of financial aid and education, and puts forward the principles, objectives, paths and institutional guarantees of the construction of the funded education mechanism. To maximize the benefit of the current subsidy policy in China, it is innovative, contemporary and operational.


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1 杨奇美;信息不对称视角下我国学生资助问题研究[D];云南大学;2015年




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