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发布时间:2018-03-11 19:48

  本文选题:文化视野 切入点:德育 出处:《贵州财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:诚信是中国的传统美德,伴随社会生活中诚信危机出现,已成为社会主义精神文明建设中的影响因素。今天,大学生中存在着考试作弊、偷窃、抄袭剽窃他人成果、拖欠学费或贷款等不诚信行为,这些也成为大家普遍关注的问题。因此,在大学生中开展诚信教育,既是他们自身成长的需要,也是时代发展和社会进步的要求。 在全球化的今天,为社会主义现代化建设输送德能兼备的合格人才,已是大学思想政治教育的当务之急。大学生如果丢掉了诚信的美德将会给我们社会以及我们的事业带来无法估量的巨大损失,,所以诚信教育势在必行,以文化视野作为研究背景,关注大学生诚信教育是一个重要的研究问题。 从古到今,我国德育的基点就是伦理化,诚信教育一直以来都是中国传统德育中一个重要的内容,伴随学校德育的发展,诚信教育方法在过去说理引导、榜样典范、情感陶冶的基础上已增添了新的方式和途径,如实践锻炼、修养指导和心理咨询等。随着全球经济的不断快速发展,全球化现象应运而生,现代科技和现代哲学、现代心理学、现代伦理学的发展为社会道德生活、现代德育实施提供了坚实的科学理论基础,也为德育研究提供了现代方法论基础。论文在梳理中国传统诚信教育方法和借鉴国外诚信教育方法研究的基础上对当今大学诚信教育进行了研究。以贵州高校为例,从实地调研中获得有一些价值的信息,分析了在传统文化与多元文化并存的社会中,当代大学生表现出新的特点,尤其是在今天的网络时代,面对虚拟的世界、西方强势文化的冲击、心理成长的敏感期,他们面临着很多考验。分析当代大学生诚信思想的现状,对研究探索创新的诚信教育方法很有必要,也具有鲜明的针对性和有效性。 论文将研究视野放在文化之中,采用文献研究法、比较研究法、问卷调查法、实地观察法、批判性与建构性相统一的方法对对大学生诚信教育途径进行研究,意旨在研究多元文化对大学生诚信教育带来的影响,论证在文化传承和创新的新要求下坚持主流意识形态,将诚信教育植根于本土,在全球化交流中和而不同、整合超越,使得人得到全面发展的结论。 本文是对诚信教育方法、途径进行梳理和研究,故多以较微观的角度来分析问题,通过探寻当今大学诚信教育方法与文化之间密不可分的内在联系,力图从文化育人的视角去探讨诚信的完整的文化内涵,提出诚信教育的新方法。在全球化的背景下“和而不同”、“整合超越”,坚持以人为本的理念,直面真实性道德冲突,建立有效的诚信机制来配合诚信教育从而提高大学生的诚信素质,建构一个行之有效的整合学校各方面资源开展全方位、多层次、整体化的诚信教育体系。
[Abstract]:Honesty is the traditional virtue of China. With the emergence of the crisis of honesty in social life, it has become an influential factor in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. Today, there are cheating in exams, stealing, plagiarism and plagiarism among college students. Therefore, it is not only the need of their own growth, but also the requirement of the development of the times and social progress to carry out honesty education among college students. In the present day of globalization, we are sending qualified personnel with both morality and ability for the socialist modernization drive. College students who lose the virtue of honesty will bring incalculable losses to our society and our cause, so honesty education is imperative. It is an important research problem to pay attention to the honesty education of college students with the cultural perspective as the research background. From ancient to present, the basic point of moral education in our country is ethicalization. Honesty education has always been an important part of Chinese traditional moral education. With the development of moral education in schools, the methods of honesty education have been guided by reasoning and exemplary models in the past. On the basis of emotional edification, new ways and means have been added, such as practical training, tutelage guidance and psychological consultation, etc. With the rapid development of the global economy, globalization has emerged, modern science and technology, modern philosophy, modern psychology, etc. The development of modern ethics provides a solid scientific theoretical basis for social moral life and the implementation of modern moral education. It also provides the basis of modern methodology for moral education research. Based on combing the traditional methods of honesty education in China and drawing on the research of foreign honesty education methods, this paper studies the honesty education in universities in Guizhou Province. This paper obtains some valuable information from field research, and analyzes the new characteristics of contemporary college students in a society where traditional culture and multiculturalism coexist, especially in today's network age, facing the virtual world. The impact of western strong culture and the sensitive period of psychological growth, they are faced with many tests. It is necessary to study and explore innovative methods of honesty education, and also have distinct pertinence and effectiveness to analyze the present situation of honesty and credit thought of contemporary college students. In this paper, the author puts the research field of vision in the culture, and studies the ways of honesty education of college students by the methods of literature research, comparative research, questionnaire survey, field observation, and the unity of criticism and constructiveness. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of multiculturalism on college students' honesty and credit education, to demonstrate that the mainstream ideology should be adhered to under the new requirements of cultural inheritance and innovation, and that honesty and credit education should be rooted in our own country, and that in the process of global communication, we should reconcile and differ, and integrate and transcend. Make the conclusion that the person obtains comprehensive development. This paper is to sort out and study the methods and approaches of honesty education. Therefore, we analyze the problems from a more micro perspective, and explore the inner relationship between the methods of honesty education and culture in colleges and universities. This paper tries to probe into the complete cultural connotation of honesty and credit from the perspective of cultural education, and puts forward a new method of honesty education. Under the background of globalization, "harmony but difference", "integration and transcendence", adhere to the people-oriented concept, and face the real moral conflict directly. To establish an effective honesty mechanism to cooperate with the honesty education to improve the integrity quality of college students, and to construct an effective integrity education system which integrates all aspects of school resources and carries out all-round, multi-level and integrated integrity education.


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