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发布时间:2018-03-11 20:41

  本文选题:高校 切入点:学生社团 出处:《武汉轻工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着素质教育的实施和大学生素质拓展计划的开展,我国高校学生社团顺应时代需求迅猛发展,已成为校园里一道亮丽的风景线,是高校第二课堂的重要组成部分。作为高校学生社团主要成员的大学生,他们是社会主义现代化事业的建设者和接班人,需要在学习基础文化知识的同时不断提高自身综合素质。而高校学生社团作为高校实施素质教育的重要载体,对拓展大学生综合素质的作用也越来越明显。但是目前社团在拓展大学生综合素质中却存在诸多问题,比如:高校对学生社团拓展大学生综合素质的作用认识不够、对学生社团建设支持力度不够、社团组织结构不合理,,内部缺乏规范管理、社团活动质量不高,缺乏可持续发展力等等,这些问题的存在导致学生社团的可持续发展受困,阻碍了社团功能的发挥,大学生综合素质的拓展也因此受到影响。所以如何建设高校学生社团以促进大学生综合素质提高是当前高校教育学者和学生社团管理者普遍思考的问题。 本文针对上述存在问题,根据新时期学生的特点,从马克思主义辩证思维角度出发,运用哲学、教育学、管理学相关理论,采用文献研究、调研和个别访谈法,对高校学生社团与大学生综合素质拓展进行了深入辩证研究。本文从分析我国高校学生社团和大学生综合素质教育的历史发展和相关概念着手,对高校学生社团和大学生综合素质拓展辩证关系进行深入分析,通过对我国高校学生社团拓展大学生综合素质的现状进行调查,深层剖析了学生加入社团内在动力需求、高校学生社团的数量与大学生参与度、高校学生社团种类及其各个种类的作用力和学生社团在拓展大学生综合素质中存在的问题,探讨出深入了解学生社团的主体及其需求、强化学生社团科学定位、健全学生社团建设和管理的制度体系、加深学生社团文化内涵和增强学生社团自身可持续发展力等五条高校学生社团拓展大学生综合素质的优化路径。以期更好的指导高校学生社团建设,促进大学生综合素质的提高,提升大学生的核心竞争力,使大学生真正成一名对社会发展起积极作用的、合格的社会主义人才。
[Abstract]:With the implementation of quality-oriented education and the development of college students' quality development plan, college student associations in our country have developed rapidly to meet the needs of the times, and have become a beautiful landscape on campus. College students, who are the main members of college student associations, are builders and successors of the cause of socialist modernization. It is necessary to improve their comprehensive quality while learning basic cultural knowledge. As an important carrier of quality education in colleges and universities, college student associations are the important carriers of quality education. However, there are many problems in the development of college students' comprehensive quality. For example, colleges and universities do not know enough about the role of student associations in the development of college students' comprehensive quality. Insufficient support for the construction of student associations, unreasonable organizational structure, lack of standardized internal management, low quality of community activities, lack of sustainable development and so on. These problems lead to the sustainable development of student associations. Hinders the function of the community, Therefore, how to build up college students' associations to promote the improvement of college students' comprehensive quality is a common problem for college education scholars and student association managers. In view of the above problems, according to the characteristics of the students in the new period, from the perspective of Marxist dialectical thinking, this paper applies the relevant theories of philosophy, pedagogy, management, literature research, investigation and individual interviews. This paper makes a deep dialectical study on the development of college student associations and college students' comprehensive qualities. This paper begins with the analysis of the historical development and related concepts of college student associations and college students' comprehensive quality education. The dialectical relationship between college student associations and college students' comprehensive quality development is analyzed in depth. Through the investigation of the present situation of college students' comprehensive quality development in our country, the inner power demand of students joining the community is deeply analyzed. The number of student associations in colleges and universities, the participation of students, the types of student associations in colleges and universities, and the problems existing in the development of students' comprehensive qualities are discussed in order to find out the main body of student associations and their needs. Strengthening the scientific orientation of student associations and perfecting the system of building and managing student associations, In order to better guide the construction of student associations in colleges and universities, it is necessary to deepen the cultural connotation of student associations and enhance their own sustainable development. To promote the improvement of college students' comprehensive quality, to promote the core competitiveness of college students, and to make college students truly become a qualified socialist talents who play an active role in the development of society.


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