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发布时间:2018-03-13 01:04

  本文选题:文化生态 切入点:高校 出处:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:道德是文化的核心,因人而生,为人而存,服务于“人”的发展。道德和文化自身的产生与发展过程中内涵着和谐平衡的生态学思想。文化生态学将文化的发展变化纳入生态学的思维视野,不仅是文化研究的进步,也是对人类生存状况恶化的积极回应,试图从文化角度寻求人类的新出路。 高校德育的无力源于德育的不和谐,其根本原因在于高校德育对“人”的片面化理解。在文化生态学看来,人是一种处于自然,社会,他人以及自我关系网上的文化动物,人的全面发展本质上就是要谋求人与四种关系的和谐。因此,高校德育的和谐之路也就是在德育过程中谋求四种关系的和谐之路。 高校德育四种关系和谐中,人与自我的不和谐体现在:道德理想的失落导致归属感的缺失;自我认同的危机导致理想信念迷茫;知识结构的失衡影响人格健全。人与他人关系的不和谐涉及师生关系,生生关系,学校与学生关系。人与社会关系不和谐包括德育的意识形态化导致其政治化;功利化导致德育成为一种工具;娱乐化导致德育的低俗化。人与自然的不和谐体现在德育中对生命关注不够,对大自然缺乏敬畏之心等。针对以上问题,文章提出以和谐平衡为原则,以关注德育中生命价值为基础,立足于学校生活,保证德育自身的独立性,最终落实为学生个人的全面自由发展的生态化之路。
[Abstract]:Morality is the core of culture. It serves the development of "human". In the process of the emergence and development of morality and culture itself, there is a harmonious and balanced ecological thought. Cultural ecology brings the development and change of culture into the perspective of ecology, which is not only the progress of cultural research. It is also a positive response to the deterioration of human living conditions, trying to seek a new way out from the angle of culture. The weakness of moral education in colleges and universities originates from the disharmony of moral education, and the fundamental reason lies in the one-sided understanding of "human" in moral education in colleges and universities. In the view of cultural ecology, man is a kind of cultural animal in the network of nature, society, others and self-relations. In essence, the overall development of human beings is to seek the harmony between human beings and the four kinds of relations, therefore, the harmonious road of moral education in colleges and universities is to seek the harmonious road of the four kinds of relations in the process of moral education. In the four kinds of harmonious relationships of moral education in colleges and universities, the disharmony between man and self is reflected in: the loss of moral ideal leads to the lack of sense of belonging, the crisis of self-identity leads to the confusion of ideal and belief; The imbalance of knowledge structure affects the integrity of personality. The disharmony between people and others involves the relationship between teachers and students, the relationship between students and students, the relationship between school and students, and the disharmony between people and students, including the politicization of moral education. Utilitarianism leads to moral education becoming a tool, entertainment leads to the vulgarization of moral education. The disharmony between man and nature is reflected in the lack of attention to life and lack of awe of nature in moral education. Based on the principle of harmony and balance and the concern for the value of life in moral education, this paper puts forward that the moral education should be based on the school life, ensure the independence of the moral education itself, and finally be implemented as the ecological road of the students' all-round and free development.


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