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发布时间:2018-03-13 21:05

  本文选题:在校大学生 切入点:教育培训机构 出处:《四川师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,越来越多的在校大学生一到暑假就开始创办教育培训机构。这一现象在高校普遍存在,深入研究在校大学生创办教育培训机构这种现象,可以让我们更好地从多角度,全面了解他们的办班情况。鉴于高等教育问题的研究趋于多视角发展的趋势,所以本研究从社会学的视角来进行分析。 本文选取了三个在校大学生团体为研究对象,通过质的研究,深度访谈和个案研究来获得真实的资料。通过描述三个团体的办班经历与经验,呈现他们创办教育培训机构的动态过程,发掘出他们的真实感受与经历的鲜活事件,并揭示事件背后的社会学涵义。 本文分七章对这一问题进行深入分析: 第一章是绪论部分,主要提出了研究的问题、研究的意义、还对在校大学生、教育培训机构等核心概念进行了界定,并对相关文献进行了整理与分析,最后提出研究的过程。 第二章是三个教育培训机构的发展历程概括。为了对这三个团体有一个清晰的认识,本文对他们的发展历程进行了梳理。围绕三个团体的创办规模、管理模式以及招生对象来介绍。 第三章是三个教育培训机构名字的分析。他们巧妙地命名不仅提高了自己培训机构的声誉和可信度,也为培训机构带来了一定的合法性地位。 第四章是选址分析。从创办者们对地点的慎重、名段至上、教学点相对集中三方面来叙述这一部分,进而揭示他们在此过程中对经济资本、社会资本以及文化资本的合理利用。 第五章是人员招聘分析。负责人和教师是整个教育培训机构的中流砥柱,对他们招聘流程的介绍,,可以让我们对办班过程有更加清晰的认识。 第六章是招生过程分析。通过对研究对象的深度访谈,把他们招生的过程具象化。在此过程中,他们采用不同的招生策略,在合理运用、不断积累各种资本的同时,游刃有余地游走与各种游戏规则之中。 第七章是创办教育培训机构过程中的角色互动。对办班过程中角色之间的互动进行解读。这些角色中有我们能看见的,还有我们没有看见的。通过对角色的分析,更能给我们一种动态的直观感受。 最后,从资本、合法性、市场化、教育性等方面来综合分析教育培训机构的发展态势。文化教育维度的良好发展可能是其支撑组织合法性并获得市场资源的基础。目前的教育培训机构却把教育性变成了一种实现自己利益的手段,而不是目的。所以,如何强化培训机构的文化教育性是创办者们努力的方向。
[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more college students have started to set up educational and training institutions as soon as the summer vacation. This phenomenon is widespread in colleges and universities. A thorough study of the phenomenon of setting up educational and training institutions among college students can make us better from various angles. In view of the trend of multi-perspective development of higher education research, this study is analyzed from the perspective of sociology. This paper selects three groups of college students as the research object, obtains the real data through the qualitative research, the in-depth interview and the case study, and describes the experience and experience of the three groups in running the class. It presents the dynamic process of their establishment of education and training institutions, excavates their true feelings and experiences of fresh events, and reveals the sociological meaning behind the events. This article divides into seven chapters to carry on the thorough analysis to this question:. The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly puts forward the research question, the research significance, also has carried on the definition to the university student, the education training institution and so on the core concept, and has carried on the arrangement and the analysis to the related literature, finally proposed the research process. The second chapter is the summary of the development of the three educational and training institutions. In order to have a clear understanding of the three groups, this paper combs their development process. The management model and the enrollment object are introduced. The third chapter is the analysis of the names of the three educational and training institutions, which not only improve the reputation and credibility of their training institutions, but also bring some legitimacy status to the training institutions. Chapter 4th is site selection analysis. This part is described from three aspects: the founder's discretion about location, the primacy of fame, and the relative concentration of teaching points, and then reveals their understanding of economic capital in the process. The rational use of social capital and cultural capital. Chapter 5th is the analysis of staff recruitment. Leaders and teachers are the mainstay of the whole education and training institution. The introduction of their recruitment process can help us to have a clearer understanding of the class management process. Chapter 6th is the analysis of the enrollment process. Through the in-depth interviews with the subjects of study, the process of recruiting students is embodied. In this process, they adopt different enrollment strategies, use them rationally, and accumulate various kinds of capital at the same time. Easy to swim with all kinds of rules of the game. Chapter 7th is about role interaction in the process of starting an educational training institution. Interpreting the interaction between the roles in a class. Some of these roles are visible to us, and we don't see them. Through the analysis of the roles, More can give us a dynamic intuitive feeling. Finally, from capital, legitimacy, marketization, The good development of the dimension of culture and education may be the basis for supporting the legitimacy of the organization and obtaining the market resources. Has become a means of achieving one's own interests, Therefore, how to strengthen the cultural and educational nature of the training institutions is the direction of the founders.


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