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发布时间:2018-03-14 03:36

  本文选题:当代 切入点:大学生 出处:《山西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:信仰是人们对人生观、价值观和世界观等的选择和持有,是一种最高层次的信念,它体现了人类对世界和人生的终极关怀,对社会和人生具有凝聚和定向作用。信仰教育是一切帮助、引导人们形成、巩固或改变信仰的教育活动,信仰教育的精神导向功能能使人确立科学的理想、信念、信仰,形成正确的价值观、人生观、世界观,使人们追求更高的人生目标,追求生命的完善,追求人类的和谐。当代大学生是社会主义事业的接班人,青年大学生的信仰在自身成长和建设有中国特色社会主义事业中都起着举足轻重的作用。因此关注青年大学生的信仰现状及高校信仰教育活动的开展情况,促使当代大学生树立正确、科学的信仰,帮助大学生塑造健康的信仰系统,帮助大学生健康成长、成才,对高校的德育工作和社会主义事业的发展起着举足轻重的作用。 本文立足于理论与实践相结合,从概念入手,在理清概念的前提下,阐明大学生信仰和信仰教育的研究必要性;从大学生信仰到对大学生信仰教育本身这一问题进行阐述,进而提出解决问题的详细对策。遵循从分析问题到提出对策的逻辑关系展开研究。 围绕上述内容,本文共分为四部分:首先,对信仰的涵义、类型、功能及信仰与信仰教育进行了辨识;其次,根据两则典型调查,分析了当前大学生的信仰现状及信仰问题产生的原因;再次,在综合相关研究后,总结了当代大学生信仰教育中存在的客观问题,剖析这些问题的产生原因,进一步从实际出发,,提出解决对策;最后,总结研究当代大学生信仰及信仰教育的理论和实践意义。本论文在详细分析当代大学生信仰和信仰教育的基础上,提出在结合新的大学精神加强大学生自我教育和高校、家庭、社会相结合等对策方面进行创新。
[Abstract]:Belief is the choice and possession of people's outlook on life, values and world outlook, and it is the highest level of belief, which embodies the ultimate concern of human beings for the world and life. Faith education is an educational activity that helps people to form, consolidate or change their beliefs. The spiritual guidance function of faith education enables people to establish scientific ideals, beliefs, beliefs, and beliefs. The formation of correct values, outlook on life, world outlook, makes people pursue higher life goals, life perfection, and human harmony. Contemporary college students are successors to the socialist cause. The belief of young college students plays an important role in their own growth and construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To promote the contemporary college students to set up the correct and scientific belief, to help them shape the healthy belief system, to help them to grow up healthily and to become talented, plays an important role in the moral education work and the development of the socialist cause in colleges and universities. Based on the combination of theory and practice, starting with the concept and clarifying the concept, this paper expounds the necessity of the research on the belief and belief education of college students, from the belief of college students to the education of belief of college students. Then, the detailed countermeasures to solve the problem are put forward, and the logical relation from analyzing the problem to proposing the countermeasure is followed. This paper is divided into four parts: firstly, it identifies the meaning, type, function, belief and belief education of faith; secondly, according to two typical investigations, This paper analyzes the present situation of college students' beliefs and the causes of their belief problems. Thirdly, after synthesizing the relevant studies, it summarizes the objective problems existing in the contemporary college students' belief education, and analyzes the causes of these problems. Finally, it summarizes the theoretical and practical significance of the research on the belief and belief education of contemporary college students. This paper puts forward the innovation in combining the new university spirit to strengthen college students' self-education and the combination of college, family and society.


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3 史海生;全球化背景下大学生信仰教育研究[D];长沙理工大学;2007年

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