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  本文选题:高校思想政治教育 切入点:思想政治品德养成 出处:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:“2004年,中共中央、国务院紧急颁布了一项文件,即《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》,明确提出加强和改进大学生思想政治教育是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。”叫高校是开展大学生思想政治教育、培养大学生思想政治品德的重要场所,针对目前高校思想政治教育方式过分单一且单方灌输为主、教育成效不大的现状,如何以马克思主义为指导,推进大学生思想政治教育,增强高校思想政治教育的有效性,促进大学生优良思想政治品德的养成是当前我国思想政治教育工作面临的新的重大课题。马克思主义是贯彻本文研究写作的根本观点和根本方向,作者查阅并参考了大量的研究成果与论文资料,对以精神引领的方式促进大学生思想政治品德的养成进行多方面探讨。 全文共分为四章。第一章探讨了思想政治品德养成的基本内涵。本章对思想政治品德的概念及内在结构进行了研究分析,随后从思想政治品德认知、思想政治品德情感、思想政治品德信念、思想政治品德意志和思想政治品德行为几个方面探讨了思想政治品德在整个品德体系中的地位与作用,并重点介绍了思想政治品德养成的内容及特点。思想政治品德的养成有着三个特点:明确的政治性和意识形态性、强烈的渗透性和实践性、显著的民主性和主体性等特点。 第二章探讨了大学生思想政治品德养成与精神引领的关联。精神引领在大学生思想政治品德的养成中有着极其重要的地位,具体表现在:意识形态的领域斗争的迫切需要;社会发展的现实需要;思想政治教育内容创新的现实要求;教育目标及大学生自身发展的内在需求。我们需要通过精神引领来加强教育,增强学生的责任感和使命感,促进大学生思想政治品德的养成。 第三章探讨了大学生思想政治品德养成中的精神引领现状。总结以精神引领促进大学生思想政治品德养成的基本经验,比如精神引领巩固了马克思主义在高校中的指导地位;精神引领促进了大学生思想道德素质的共同进步;精神引领推进了高校自身发展。并重点提出精神引领的不足与问题,包括高校马克思主义地位有待加强,西方社会思潮的冲击导致大学生精神世界危机,网络霸权侵害中国优秀传统文化,思想政治教育方法过于简单化并过分强调单向灌输等。随后强调以精神引领促进大学生思想政治品德养成的必要性。 第四章探讨了以精神引领进一步加强大学生思想政治品德养成的战略举措与实施途径。包括加强全球化背景下对大学生精神引领的重视,积极应对国外负面社会思潮的冲击,巩固高校马克思主义理论教育的核心地位,发挥社会主义核心价值体系在大学生思想政治教育中的作用。总之,以精神引领为动力,加强大学生思想政治品德教育,促进大学生优良思想政治品德的养成。
[Abstract]:"on 2004, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued an emergency document. That is, "the opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political Education of College students", it is clearly pointed out that strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students is an important and urgent strategic task. Ideological and political education of college students, In view of the fact that the mode of ideological and political education in colleges and universities is too single and unilateral, and the educational results are not very good, how to promote the ideological and political education of college students under the guidance of Marxism is an important place for cultivating college students' ideological and political character. Enhancing the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, To promote the cultivation of college students' excellent ideological and political character is a new and important task facing the ideological and political education in our country. Marxism is the fundamental point and direction of carrying out the research and writing of this article. The author consulted and consulted a large number of research results and papers, and discussed how to promote the cultivation of college students' ideological and political character in the way of spiritual guidance. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter discusses the basic connotation of the cultivation of ideological and political morality. This chapter analyzes the concept and internal structure of ideological and political morality, and then from the ideological and political morality cognition, ideological and political morality emotion, This paper probes into the position and function of ideological and political morality in the whole moral character system from the following aspects: the belief of ideological and political morality, the will of ideological and political morality and the behavior of ideological and political morality. It also introduces the contents and characteristics of the cultivation of ideological and political morality, which has three characteristics: clear political and ideological character, strong permeability and practicality, remarkable democracy and subjectivity, and so on. The second chapter discusses the relationship between the cultivation of college students' ideological and political morality and spiritual guidance, which plays an extremely important role in the cultivation of college students' ideological and political character, which is manifested in the urgent need of ideological struggle in the field of ideology; The realistic needs of social development, the realistic requirements of ideological and political education content innovation, the educational goals and the inherent needs of college students' own development. We need to strengthen education through spiritual guidance, and enhance students' sense of responsibility and mission. To promote the cultivation of ideological and political morality of college students. The third chapter discusses the status quo of spiritual guidance in the cultivation of college students' ideological and political character, and summarizes the basic experience of promoting the cultivation of college students' ideological and political character by spiritual guidance, for example, spiritual guidance has consolidated the guiding position of Marxism in colleges and universities; Spiritual guidance has promoted the common progress of college students' ideological and moral quality, and spiritual guidance has promoted the development of colleges and universities themselves, and put forward emphatically the deficiencies and problems of spiritual guidance, including the need to strengthen the position of Marxism in colleges and universities. The impact of western social trends of thought led to the spiritual world crisis of college students, and network hegemony infringed upon China's excellent traditional culture. The methods of ideological and political education are too simplistic and emphasis on unidirectional indoctrination, and the necessity of promoting the cultivation of college students' ideological and political character by spirit is emphasized. Chapter 4th discusses the strategic measures and implementation ways to further strengthen the cultivation of college students' ideological, political and moral character with spiritual guidance, including strengthening the emphasis on college students' spiritual guidance under the background of globalization, and actively coping with the impact of negative social trends of thought abroad. To consolidate the core position of Marxist theoretical education in colleges and universities, to give play to the role of the socialist core value system in the ideological and political education of college students. To promote the cultivation of excellent ideological and political morality of college students.


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