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发布时间:2018-03-14 13:11

  本文选题:创业 切入点:创业现状 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:新世纪是一个创新的时代,未来社会迫切需要的是具有创新创业能力的人才。大学生作为高等教育的主体,是国家培养的高层次人才,是科教兴国的中坚力量,也是社会向前发展的源动力。与时代发展要求相适应,具有较强创新能力的大学生的创业问题已经引起了社会各方面的关注,国家不断推出针对大学生创业的各种优惠政策,鼓励和支持大学生创业。胡锦涛总书记在党的十八大报告中明确提出“鼓励多渠道多形式就业,以创业带动就业”的重要举措。这无疑对大学生营造良好的创业环境将会起到积极的推动作用。大学生能否充分就业,不仅关系到其自身利益,也直接影响到我国经济的可持续发展以及社会的稳定。创业是大学生学业的进一步深化,择业途径的良性发展,是大学生主动参与社会竞争的一种尝试,作为当代大学生择业方式的一种新趋势,其意义已远远超出了这一形式本身。 笔者深入调查了河南省包括河南大学、河南财经政法大学、河南商专等五所高校的大学生,通过发放问卷的方式,调查与河南省大学生创业相关指标包括创业动机、创业资金、创业行业、创业模式、创业教育、创业政策等,并通过这些指标分析出目前河南省大学生创业存在的问题及其产生的原因,并且对河南省大学生创业提出了一些建议及应对策略,希望这些建议和策略能帮助大学生了解社会现状,认清社会发展形势,帮助他们提高自身素质以及解决或排除因创业而带来的困扰,促进河南省大学生创业的新发展。
[Abstract]:The new century is an era of innovation, and what is urgently needed in the future society is talents with the ability to innovate and start a business. As the main body of higher education, college students are the high-level talents cultivated by the country and the backbone of science and education to invigorate the country. It is also the source of social development. In line with the development requirements of the times, the entrepreneurial problem of college students with strong innovative ability has attracted the attention of all aspects of society. The state has constantly introduced various preferential policies for college students to start their own businesses. Encouraging and supporting university students to start a business. General Secretary Hu Jintao clearly stated in the report of the 18 National Congress of the Party that "encourage multiple channels and forms of employment." This will undoubtedly play a positive role in creating a good entrepreneurial environment for college students. Whether college students are fully employed is not only related to their own interests. It is also a direct impact on the sustainable development of our economy and social stability. Entrepreneurship is the further deepening of college students' studies, the healthy development of career options, and the attempt of college students to actively participate in social competition. As a new trend of contemporary college students' career choice, its significance has gone far beyond the form itself. The author deeply investigated the college students in Henan Province, including Henan University, Henan University of Finance, Economics and Law, Henan Business College and so on. Through the way of questionnaire, the author investigated the related indicators including entrepreneurial motivation of Henan university students. Venture capital, entrepreneurial industry, entrepreneurial model, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship policy and so on, and through these indicators to analyze the existing problems and causes of entrepreneurship among college students in Henan Province. It also puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to college students' entrepreneurship in Henan Province, hoping that these suggestions and strategies can help college students understand the current situation of society and recognize the situation of social development. To help them improve their own quality and solve or eliminate the troubles caused by entrepreneurship, promote the new development of Henan university students' entrepreneurship.


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