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发布时间:2018-03-14 14:53

  本文选题:康奈尔大学 切入点:外语课程 出处:《华中农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:第二次世界大战之后,美国为维护国家政治、经济和军事利益,不断出台国家语言战略政策,并通过制定一系列国家方案和财政拨款来资助高校的外语教育。当前,美国大学已经逐步建立起培养一专多能的复合型人才的外语课程体系。作为美国著名的常青藤联盟成员之一,康奈尔大学在办学理念上始终坚持“要创办一所大学,在这里任何人在任何学习领域都能受到教育”。那么,当今康奈尔大学的外语课程目标是如何形成的,外语课程设置、课程结构和课程管理又有哪些独特之处,其中可供我国高校参考和借鉴的思想精华和经验有哪些?这一系列重要的问题如果能够深入系统的研究并加以解决,必将对我国高校外语课程体系的完善有宝贵的理论参考价值和现实意义。 本文主要由以下五个部分构成: 第一章导论介绍了问题提出的背景、研究目的和意义,回顾了国内外相关研究成果及进展,界定了本研究的核心概念,明确了研究内容及方法。 第二章首先分析了康奈尔大学外语课程目标形成的外部环境和内部环境,并在此基础探讨了康奈尔大学外语课程的总体目标和四个具体目标。 第三章介绍了康奈尔大学外语课程设置的主体,包括文理学院及其所属系、中心和研究项目;概况了康奈尔大学与其他大学和组织合作开设外语课程的情况;最后对康奈尔大学外语课程设置的数量和内容进行了统计和分析。 第四章对康奈尔大学外语课程结构进行了探讨;并重点分析了外语课程管理的模式和具体措施,包括外语课程修读方式、课程要求、课程编号体系、课程注册和免修、课程增减以及课程教学支持等。 第五章归纳了康奈尔大学外语课程体系建设的经验和启示。我国高校外语课程体系的建设和完善可以从以下几个方面进行:突出外语课程目标的战略性和时代性,强化外语课程设置的综合性和多样性,重视外语课程结构调整,加强外语课程管理和支持。
[Abstract]:After the Second World War, the United States to safeguard the country's political, economic and military interests, continuous introduction of national language strategy policy, and through a series of national programmes and financial grants to college foreign language education. At present, the university has gradually established a foreign language curriculum system to cultivate talents well. As a famous American a member of the Ivy League, Cornell University on the educational philosophy has always adhere to the "to establish a university, where anyone can receive education in any field study. Then, the Cornell University foreign language curriculum goal is how to form the foreign language curriculum, curriculum structure and curriculum management and what is unique, which can for our reference and thinking essence and experience what? A series of important issues to systematic research And to solve it, it will certainly have valuable theoretical reference value and practical significance to the improvement of the foreign language curriculum system in our universities.
This article is mainly composed of the following five parts:
The first chapter introduces the background, purpose and significance of the problem, reviews the research results and progress at home and abroad, defines the core concept of the research, and defines the research contents and methods.
The second chapter first analyzes the external environment and internal environment of Cornell University's foreign language curriculum objectives, and based on this, discusses the overall goals and four specific objectives of Cornell University's foreign language curriculum.
The third chapter introduces the main set of Cornell University foreign language courses, including the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of center and research projects; of Cornell University in collaboration with other universities and organizations offering language courses; the Cornell University foreign language curriculum number and content of statistics and analysis.
The fourth chapter discusses the Cornell University foreign language curriculum structure; and analyzes the model and concrete measures of foreign language curriculum management, including foreign language courses, curriculum requirements, course system, course registration and exemption, or courses and teaching support.
The fifth chapter summarizes the experience and Enlightenment of the construction of Cornell University foreign language curriculum system. The construction of foreign language curriculum system in Colleges and universities in China and can improve from the following aspects: the strategic and the era of outstanding foreign language curriculum objectives, strengthen the comprehensive foreign language curriculum and diversity, emphasis on foreign language curriculum structure adjustment, strengthen management and foreign language curriculum support.



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3 江玉安;;系统论视野下的高等教育管理[J];信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版);2006年05期

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