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发布时间:2018-03-14 15:00

  本文选题:新疆高校 切入点:马克思主义民族观教育 出处:《新疆师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:马克思主义民族观教育是新疆思想政治教育的重要组成部分。高校作为培养青年人成才的重要社会组织,必然成为思想政治教育的前沿阵地。民族成分众多、多元文化交融、民族宗教因素交织等特殊背景,使得马克思主义民族观教育成为新疆高校思想政治教育的重要内容。为了提升新疆高校马克思主义民族观教育的实效性,更好地引导新疆各族大学生对民族政策的正确理解、对民族问题的客观分析、对民族团结的自觉维护、对民族与国家关系的理性认知和对中华民族的高度认同,有必要研究如何将马克思主义民族观教育中的各项因素优化重组,形成合力,构建较为系统的新疆高校马克思主义民族观教育机制。 本研究是通过理论联系实际、查阅文献资料、学科交叉研究以及定性分析与定量分析结合等方式实现的。现实中,,新疆高校开展的马克思主义民族观教育尚存不科学之处,一些非马克思主义的民族观还在不断地影响着涉世不深的各族学生,境内外敌对势力与我争夺青少年意识形态领域阵地的斗争形势还很复杂。因此,解决当前新疆高校马克思主义民族观教育面临的现实困境,实现理论认识与实践的统一,应当构建相应的教育机制。 论文共分五个部分: 第一部分,引言。主要阐述了研究的依据和意义,国内外研究现状,研究思路与方法以及研究的重点、难点与创新之处。 第二部分,相关理论概述。对民族、民族观、马克思主义民族观、马克思主义民族观教育的概念作出界定,对马克思主义民族观教育内容作了规定,并分析马克思主义民族观教育的必要性,提出了“马克思主义民族观教育机制”的问题,从其内涵、构成要素及其与思想政治教育机制的关系展开分析。 第三部分,通过分析问卷及访谈资料,从教师、学生、内容、形式、环境和评价六个层面分析了新疆高校马克思主义民族观教育的现状、问题及成因。 第四部分,是研究的核心,就新疆高校马克思主义民族观教育机制的构建进行探索。首先,分析机制构建的必要性问题;其次,论述机制的构成要素和运行调节机制;最后,也是研究最关键的部分,分析马克思主义民族观教育机制的六要素如何与外部调节机制形成良好的互动关系,推动机制功能的实现。 第五部分,结论。简明扼要地阐述了机制的构建过程,并指出了研究中的不足之处。
[Abstract]:The education of Marxist national view is an important part of Xinjiang's ideological and political education. As an important social organization for cultivating young people to become talented, colleges and universities must become the front position of ideological and political education. The special background such as the interweaving of national and religious factors makes the education of Marxist national view become an important part of the ideological and political education in Xinjiang's colleges and universities, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the education of Marxist national view in Xinjiang's universities and colleges. Better guide college students of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to have a correct understanding of national policies, objective analysis of ethnic issues, conscious maintenance of national unity, rational understanding of the relations between nationalities and the state, and a high degree of recognition of the Chinese nation. It is necessary to study how to optimize and recombine the various factors in the education of Marxist national view, to form a resultant force and to construct a systematic education mechanism of Marxist national view in Xinjiang universities and colleges. This research is realized by combining theory with practice, consulting literature, interdisciplinary research and combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis. In reality, there are still some unscientific aspects in the education of Marxist national view carried out in Xinjiang colleges and universities. Some non-Marxist national views are still affecting students of all ethnic groups who are not deeply involved in the world, and the situation in which hostile forces at home and abroad are competing with us in the field of youth ideology is still very complicated. In order to solve the realistic dilemma faced by the education of Marxist national view in Xinjiang colleges and universities, and to realize the unity of theory and practice, the corresponding educational mechanism should be constructed. The thesis is divided into five parts:. The first part, introduction, mainly expounds the basis and significance of the research, the current research situation at home and abroad, the research ideas and methods, the key points, difficulties and innovations. The second part, the summary of relevant theories, defines the concepts of nationality, national view, Marxist national view and Marxist national view education, and stipulates the content of Marxist national view education. This paper also analyzes the necessity of the education of Marxist national view, and puts forward the question of "the educational mechanism of Marxist national view", and analyzes its connotation, elements and its relationship with the mechanism of ideological and political education. The third part analyzes the current situation, problems and causes of Marxist national view education in Xinjiang colleges and universities from six aspects: teachers, students, content, form, environment and evaluation through the analysis of questionnaire and interview data. The 4th part, which is the core of the research, explores the construction of the educational mechanism of Marxist national view in Xinjiang universities. Firstly, it analyzes the necessity of the construction of the mechanism; secondly, it discusses the constituent elements of the mechanism and the operational adjustment mechanism; finally, It is also the most important part of the study. It analyzes how the six elements of the education mechanism of Marxist national view can form a good interactive relationship with the external regulating mechanism and promote the realization of the function of the mechanism. Part 5th, conclusion. The construction process of the mechanism is briefly described, and the deficiencies in the research are pointed out.


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