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发布时间:2018-03-15 01:19

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:参与管理 出处:《长安大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会主义民主化进程的不断加快以及我国高等教育改革的日益深化,有关大学生参与学校管理的问题越来越受到关注。大学生参与学校管理是近些年来世界高等教育管理改革和发展的趋势,也是大学制度的本质特征,但是,随着我国高等院校内部与外界环境的日益复杂化,传统的高校内部管理体制已经不适应现代社会的发展要求。在西方人本管理思想以及学生自身治理理念的影响下,我国高校内部的民主化进程也在不断加快,因此,如何解决大学生在高等教育大众化的背景下参与学校管理工作已经成为高等教育改革和发展的重要问题。 目前来说,我国大学生在参与学校管理的发展中还处于起步阶段,学生参与的范围窄、层次低、效果也不理想,因此,本文通过对相关理论文献的查阅以及资料分析的基础上,从高等教育发展的实际情况,,学校内部管理体制及学生自身合法权益的角度出发,分析了我国在现阶段大学生参与学校管理方面存在的问题及相关原因,同时结合西方发达国家的成功做法和经验模式,对我国大学生参与学校管理提出了建设性的意见和措施,通过建立健全完善的大学生参与学校管理的组织机构;完善有关大学生参与学校管理的制度;建立“网络式”的学校管理机制,协调各级管理职责;引入有效机制,完善大学生参与学校管理的法律保障;树立大学生参与的主体地位,强化大学生的参与意识等措施,为使我国高等院校大学生参与学校管理更加完善,更加成熟提供有利参考。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the socialist democratization process and the deepening of the reform of higher education in China, More and more attention has been paid to the participation of college students in school management, which is the trend of the reform and development of higher education management in the world in recent years, and is also the essential feature of the university system. With the increasing complexity of the internal and external environment of Chinese colleges and universities, the traditional internal management system of colleges and universities has not adapted to the requirements of the development of modern society. Under the influence of the western humanistic management thought and the students' own governing idea, Therefore, how to solve the problem of college management under the background of popularization of higher education has become an important issue in the reform and development of higher education. At present, college students in our country are still in the initial stage of participating in the development of school management. The scope of student participation is narrow, the level is low, and the effect is not ideal. Based on the reference of relevant theoretical documents and the analysis of relevant materials, this paper sets out from the point of view of the actual situation of the development of higher education, the internal management system of the school and the legitimate rights and interests of the students themselves. This paper analyzes the existing problems and related reasons of college students' participation in school management in our country at the present stage, at the same time, combining the successful practices and experience models of western developed countries, puts forward constructive suggestions and measures for Chinese college students to participate in school management. Through the establishment of a sound organization for college students to participate in school management, the improvement of the system of university students' participation in school management, the establishment of a "network" school management mechanism, the coordination of management responsibilities at all levels, the introduction of effective mechanisms, To perfect the legal guarantee of college students' participation in school management, to establish the main position of college students' participation, and to strengthen the participation consciousness of college students, and so on, will provide a favorable reference for the college students to participate in the school management in our country.


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