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发布时间:2018-03-15 00:35

  本文选题:大学英语新教师 切入点:教师专业发展 出处:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着大学的不断扩招,我国每年有大量的新手教师加入到大学英语教师队伍中。作为大学英语教学的生力军,在很大程度上成为影响大学英语教学改革成效的重要因素。加快大学英语新手教师的专业发展对于提高大学英语教师队伍的整体素质、提高大学英语教学质量以及推进大学英语教学改革具有重要意义。 本研究采用问卷调查和访谈形式,通过对新教师教学生活的调查,,从而了解其专业发展现状,分析存在的问题,探讨促进高校英语新教师专业发展的对策。本研究通过先后对58名来自山西6所高校的近三年进入教学岗位的英语新教师进行问卷调查;并对其中来自2所高校4位新教师进行深度访谈。问卷包括:教师基本情况;教师职业道德;课堂教学;科研意识与需求以及教师专业发展的认识和需求。根据调查问卷分析的结果上,对大学英语新教师专业法中一些突出提问对部分教师做了访谈,希望答案更加鲜明详实和有更高的可信度。 通过调查发现,在职业道德方面,绝大多数大学英语新教师爱岗敬业,有着坚定的教学信念。在教学能力方面,多数新教师有着扎实的专业基本功,但学科教学能力比较欠缺。同时所有新教师有着现代的教学理念和方法,但是有些信念与实际教学相冲突。在科研方面,新教师意识到科研与教学的相互影响促进关系,并表现出较强的科研发展需求,但参与动机有明显的功利色彩。从自身专业发展角度看,新教师有着较强的职业危机意识与发展意愿,但是自我提高的行动力不足,反思能力不强。另外新教师在实践成长中比较孤独,缺乏强有力的支持与帮助。基于以上对新教师在入职初期现状的调查,综上,我们分别在新教师之前教育,新教师引导与支持,以及新教师自我支持三方面进行了反思并提出了改进建议,以期促进新教师的健康发展。
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of university enrollment, a large number of novice teachers join the ranks of college English teachers every year. To a large extent, it has become an important factor affecting the effectiveness of college English teaching reform. Speeding up the professional development of college English novice teachers can improve the overall quality of college English teachers. It is of great significance to improve the quality of college English teaching and promote the reform of college English teaching. This research adopts the form of questionnaire and interview, through the investigation of the teaching life of the new teachers, so as to understand the current situation of their professional development and analyze the existing problems. This study investigates the countermeasures to promote the professional development of new English teachers in colleges and universities. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 58 new English teachers from 6 colleges and universities in Shanxi province who had entered teaching positions in the past three years. The questionnaire includes: teachers' basic situation, teachers' professional ethics, classroom teaching; According to the results of the questionnaire analysis, some prominent questions in the New College English Teachers' Professional Law have been interviewed by some teachers. Hopefully, the answers will be clearer, more detailed and more credible. Through the investigation, it is found that the majority of new college English teachers love their jobs and have firm teaching beliefs in terms of professional ethics. In terms of teaching ability, most of the new teachers have solid professional basic skills. At the same time, all new teachers have modern teaching ideas and methods, but some beliefs conflict with actual teaching. In the field of scientific research, new teachers are aware of the interaction between scientific research and teaching. From the perspective of their own professional development, the new teachers have a strong sense of professional crisis and development intention, but the self-improvement of action is not enough, and the new teachers have a strong demand for scientific research development, but the motivation of participation has obvious utilitarian color. The ability of reflection is not strong. In addition, new teachers are lonely in practice and lack of strong support and help. Based on the survey of the current situation of new teachers in the early stage of their employment, in summary, we respectively educate before the new teachers. The new teachers' guidance and support, as well as the new teachers' self-support, are reviewed and suggestions for improvement are put forward in order to promote the healthy development of the new teachers.


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