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发布时间:2018-03-15 11:09

  本文选题:高等教育 切入点:教学 出处:《渤海大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教学与科研是高校的两大基本职能,两者的关系一直是高等教育理论界专家及学者探讨的热点问题。针对当前我国高校普遍存在的“重科研、轻教学”现象,本论文采取文献研究法、实证研究法、历史研究法等方法对高校教学与科研的失衡及其治理问题进行了探究。 本文的主体内容分为三个部分: 第一部分探究了我国高校教学与科研关系失衡的表征。教学与科研关系的失衡主要体现在国家的高等教育政策和资源供给倾向于科学研究、学校的政策导向偏重于科研、教师的教学工作与科研工作出现了严重冲突、高校的教学质量受到冲击等方面。 第二部分分析了我国高校教学与科研关系失衡的原因。在历史维度上缘于科研优先论使高校的科研职能受到重视;在观念维度上缘于对高校教学与科研的认识失当以及高校自身对科研的过分追求;在制度维度上缘于政府政策设计的疏漏及高校政策的不当引导;在教师维度上缘于教师个体差异、精力限制和趋利心态等方面。 第三部分提出了我国高校教学与科研合理关系的构建。高校教学与科研关系失衡问题的治理应该考虑诸如不同类型高校中的教学与科研关系、不同类型教师的教学与科研工作等诸多因素,更要从办学特色、培养目标、管理体制、评价机制、教师认知等各方面构建高校教学与科研的合理关系。
[Abstract]:Teaching and scientific research are two basic functions of colleges and universities. The relationship between them has always been a hot issue discussed by experts and scholars in the theoretical circle of higher education. This paper probes into the imbalance between teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities and its governance by the methods of literature research, empirical research and historical research. The main content of this paper is divided into three parts:. The first part explores the characteristics of the imbalance between teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities in China. The imbalance between teaching and scientific research is mainly reflected in the national policy of higher education and the supply of resources to scientific research, while the policy orientation of schools is focused on scientific research. There is a serious conflict between teachers' teaching work and scientific research work, and the teaching quality of colleges and universities is affected. The second part analyzes the causes of the imbalance between teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities in China. It is due to the improper understanding of teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities, the excessive pursuit of scientific research by universities themselves, the omission of government policy design and the improper guidance of university policies in the institutional dimension. In the teacher dimension, due to the teacher individual differences, energy constraints and attitude towards profit, and so on. The third part puts forward the construction of the reasonable relationship between teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities in China. The management of the imbalance between teaching and scientific research should consider the relationship between teaching and scientific research in different types of colleges and universities. Many factors, such as teaching and research work of different types of teachers, should construct the reasonable relationship between teaching and scientific research from the aspects of school running characteristics, training objectives, management system, evaluation mechanism, teachers' cognition and so on.


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