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发布时间:2018-03-16 00:36

  本文选题:案例教学 切入点:英语课程与教学论 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:浩瀚历史长河中每一次伟大的教育改革都伴随着新的教育理论的生成,案例教学便是顺应时代发展而逐渐发展起来的,是具有时代特色的新型教育理论。源于美国哈佛大学法学院的案例教学,成功地应用于法律、工商管理、医学教育之中,并且取得了的重大成就,这令其他专业都羡慕不己。教育学领域也不例外,相继将其应用于自身的研究之中。先进的建构主义、认知心理学和人本主义等为案例教学提供了充分的理论支撑,它不仅能够激发学习者的内在学习动机和培养积极主动钻研问题的探究精神;而且还能够让教学者也获得改进教学方法、易于亲近学生、应用学习教育理论等个人的奖赏。 案例教学的特点在于它是通过展现优秀的、真实的、具有典型性的一线案例资源,让学习者在宽松愉悦的实践情境中,主动的对所提供的客观事实和问题进行探究讨论,最后提出自己的见解。在案例教学的讨论过程中,学习者既锻炼了独立思考的能力,又提高了分析和解决问题的能力。 “案例教学在《英语课程与教学论》课堂教学中的应用研究”的议题是在充分研究案例及案例教学的基础之上,结合高等师范院校英语师资培育中的现状提出来的,其具体内容主要包括了以下几个方面: 一是导论,主要陈述本研究的研究缘起、研究思路与方法、研究的目的与意义、以及已有相关研究的综述。俗话说“好的开头是成功的一半”,认真地学习国内外案例教学的重要研究成果是本研究成功征途中走好的第一步。 二是《英语课程与教学论》课中应用案例教学的必要性和可行性。本部分主要包括两个方面:一方面是,案例教学应用于《英语课程与教学论》课堂教学中的必要性,主要是对问卷调查的数据和教师访谈资料进行分析,从中了解教学现状中存在的主要问题;另一个方面是案例教学应用于《英语课程与教学论》课堂教学中的可行性,主要包括了:第一,对国家英语课程标准的解读,;第二,诠释英语课程与教学论的学科性质;第三,论述过程性评价的考核标准。 三是《英语课程与教学论》案例教学设计。主要对学习需要、学习内容、学生学情、教学目标和案例选择进行了分析。此外,对教学过程和教学评价进行了详细的设计。其中,使用步骤分为:第一步,前期准备;第二步,案例的呈现;第三步,提出问题;第四步,案例讨论:分为小组讨论和班级讨论;第五步,总结案例。“兵马未动,粮草先行”,在具体实施案例教学之前,笔者精心设计了详细的实施方案,以期望后续实际教学活动能够顺利有序的进行,最终取得圆满的成功。 四是《英语课程与教学论》案例教学示例。主要是详细介绍在重庆S大学外语学院大三2班运用案例教学法进行英语课程与教学论教学的课堂实况。根据具体实例详细地论述了课前预设、导入案例、提出问题、讨论案例、总结案例、课后评论和经验整合七个环节。 五是案例教学应用于《英语课程与教学论》课中的问题及建议。主要总结了案例教学使用过程中所遭遇的一些问题,以及这些问题中暴露的案例教学的局限性,然后针对存在的问题提出进一步改进的建议。 六是结语。对于上述所有研究进行归纳,反思其中的经验教训,树立了案例教学蓬勃发展的信心。
[Abstract]:The vast history of every great educational reform is accompanied by the formation of new education theory, case teaching is to adapt to the development and gradually developed, is a new educational theory with the characteristics of the times. The case teaching from the Harvard University School of law, successfully applied in law, business administration, medicine education, and has made great achievements, which makes the other professional are not envious of others. The field of education is no exception, have been applied to the study of constructivism. The advanced cognitive psychology and provides sufficient theoretical support of this principle as the case teaching, it can not only stimulate learners intrinsic motivation and training actively studying the problem of the spirit of inquiry; but also can make the teaching is to improve teaching methods, being close to students, studying educational theory etc. A reward for the reward.
The characteristics of case teaching is that it is by showing good, true, a typical case has the resources, let the learner in relaxed and pleasant in practice situation, active inquiry discussion of objective facts and problems provided, finally put forward their own views. In the course of the discussion of case teaching, learners not only exercise the ability of independent thinking, and improve the ability to analyze and solve problems.
"The case teaching in" English curriculum and teaching theory "classroom teaching research on the application of" the issue is on the basis of the case and case teaching on the basis of combining the current situation of English teacher education in higher normal colleges is put forward, the specific contents include the following aspects:
One is the introduction, mainly states the research origin, research ideas and methods, the purpose and significance of the study, and reviews relevant research literatures. As the saying goes, "a good beginning is half of success", carefully studying the domestic and foreign research results of case teaching is the first step to take the research in the journey of success.
The two is "the necessity and feasibility of English curriculum and teaching methodology in the course of" the application of case teaching. This part mainly includes two aspects: on the one hand, the application of case teaching method in "English curriculum and teaching necessity > in classroom teaching, mainly on questionnaire and teacher interview data analysis and understand the main problems in the teaching situation; another aspect is the application of case teaching in" English curriculum and teaching methodology feasibility > in classroom teaching, mainly includes: first, interpretation of the National English curriculum standards; second, the subject character of the English curriculum and teaching theory; third, discussion the process of evaluation of the assessment criteria.
Three is the < > Case Teaching Design on English curriculum and teaching. The main needs of learning, learning content, learning situation, teaching objectives and case selection are analyzed. In addition, the teaching process and teaching evaluation are designed in detail. The use is divided into steps: the first step, the second step of preparation; case presentation; the third step, put forward the question; discuss the fourth step, the case is divided into: group discussion and class discussion; the fifth step, summed up the case. "An army marches on its stomach.", before the implementation of case teaching, the author designed a detailed implementation plan, expected to follow the practical teaching activities smoothly and orderly to achieve complete success.
Four is the < > case teaching example English curriculum and teaching methodology. Mainly introduced in the school of foreign languages, Chongqing S University junior class 2, the use of case teaching method of English curriculum and teaching methodology of the classroom live. According to the specific examples in detail before class presupposition into case and puts forward problems, case discussion, summed up the case after class, review and experience the integration of the seven links.
The five is the application of case teaching in "English curriculum and teaching problems and suggestions in the course. > mainly summarizes some problems encountered in the process of using case teaching, case teaching and limitations exposed in these problems, and then puts forward some suggestions for further improvement for the existing problems.
The six is the conclusion. To summarize all the above studies, reflect on the experiences and lessons, and set up the confidence of the flourishing development of case teaching.



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