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发布时间:2018-03-16 12:40

  本文选题:蒙古国 切入点:高等教育 出处:《大连海事大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:蒙古国加入世界贸易组织以来积极参与经济全球化进程。借此机会,蒙古国对外贸易总额不断增加。蒙古国在货物贸易方面取得迅速发展同时服务贸易也开始不断发展。2008年蒙古国服务行业占国内生产总值的42.9%,2009年占41.2%,2010年增加到42.9%,比上年增加1.7%。高等教育行业对一个国家经济社会发展起着非常重要的作用。高等教育使得科学技术水平得以提高、高素质人才得以增加,高等教育成为提高国家竞争力的主要因素。就蒙古国而言,高等教育服务贸易处于初步发展的阶段。随着国际高等教育服务贸易的迅猛发展,蒙古国面临着许多机会和挑战。蒙古国要善于地抓住这些机会以及与缩小与其它国家发展差距,我们需要解决很多问题。 大多数从事教育服务的外国机构的不能提供足够的信息,我国客户选择他们的学校,不知道他们是否很好。我们都愿意在正式的外国学校学习,但是一些外国教育机构提供的教育质量很差,所以我们国家的客户的利益可能受到损害。 由于经济收益的驱动,目前存在很多非法咨询服务公司和中介机构。其中许多公司或机构并没有许可证却从事营业活动,给客户提供虚假的信息,打着名校的幌子招收学生。 教育服务出口国和进口国的人员在跨境流动方面之间存在着不平衡。尤其是发达国家,讲英语的国家是主要教育出口者,所以在世界上学习西方文化和英语的人数越来越多。几百万学生从发展中国家赴这些发达国家留学,并巨额资本从发展中国家向发达国家以学费的形式流入 近年来许多外国教育机构、合办学校弱化了蒙古国教育体制,我们国的教育机构正在失去自己的市场。 各种教育产品出口或进口是指从一个国家到另一个。高等教育机构,研究方案,教育程度,跨境贸易和其他教育产品的交换,应受国际协定和法规调整。所以目前我们面临着有些主要问题。如何提高政府在教育服务贸易中的作用,高校如何提高自身竞争力,如何促进教育的认可和提高本国大学的国际认可等。 本论文首先研究蒙古国高等教育服务贸易的四种方式的现状,挖掘每个方式存在的问题,对那些问题进行分析,然后提出了促进蒙古国高等教育服务贸易发展的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Mongolia has actively participated in the process of economic globalization since its accession to the World Trade Organization... Mongolia's total foreign trade continues to increase. Mongolia has made rapid progress in trade in goods and began to develop trade in services. In 2008, Mongolia's services sector accounted for 42.9% of GDP, 2009's 41.2%, 2010 to 42.9%. The industry of higher education plays a very important role in the economic and social development of a country. Higher education has become the main factor to improve the competitiveness of the country. As far as Mongolia is concerned, the trade in higher education services is in the initial stage of development. With the rapid development of international trade in higher education services, Mongolia faces many opportunities and challenges. We need to solve many problems if Mongolia is to be good at seizing these opportunities and narrowing the development gap with other countries. Most foreign institutions engaged in educational services are unable to provide enough information. Our clients choose their schools and wonder if they are very good. We are all willing to study in formal foreign schools. But the quality of education provided by some foreign educational institutions is poor, so the interests of our customers may be compromised. Because of the drive of economic benefits, there are many illegal consulting service companies and intermediaries. Many of them are engaged in business activities without a license, providing false information to customers and recruiting students under the guise of famous schools. There is an imbalance between the movement of people across borders between exporting and importing countries of educational services, especially in developed countries, where English-speaking countries are the main exporters of education, So more and more people are studying Western culture and English in the world. Millions of students from developing countries go to these developed countries to study, and huge capital flows from developing countries to developed countries in the form of tuition fees. In recent years, many foreign educational institutions and joint schools have weakened the Mongolian educational system, and our educational institutions are losing their own markets. The export or import of educational products from one country to another... higher education institutions, research programmes, educational attainment, cross-border trade and the exchange of other educational products, We are faced with some major problems. How to improve the role of the government in the trade of educational services, and how to improve the competitiveness of colleges and universities, How to promote the recognition of education and the international recognition of national universities and so on. This paper first studies the current situation of four ways of higher education service trade in Mongolia, excavates the problems existing in each way, analyzes these problems, and then puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of higher education service trade in Mongolia.


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1 金孝柏;;教育服务贸易中的自然人流动[J];国际商务研究;2007年03期

2 田曼;;关于我国高等教育服务贸易逆差的分析[J];黑龙江高教研究;2006年08期

3 孙晓音;;高等教育服务贸易的理论思考与探索[J];考试周刊;2007年12期

4 陶格图;;在华蒙古国留学生管理问题的调查研究[J];科学管理研究;2011年02期

5 曾天山;于发友;;加强教育援助 促进中蒙两国睦邻友好——赴蒙古国参观考察报告[J];民族教育研究;2010年02期

6 逯忆;;中国高等教育服务贸易发展的对策[J];统计与决策;2009年15期

7 金光;孙启林;;转型期蒙古高等教育的改革与发展[J];外国教育研究;2006年05期

8 金光;;转型期蒙古高等教育行政管理改革述评[J];外国教育研究;2006年06期

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1 金光(Balgan Altangerel);中国与蒙古高等教育行政管理结构比较研究[D];东北师范大学;2006年

2 冯福林;蒙古国教育发展史研究[D];河北大学;2009年

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1 孙晓音;我国高等教育服务贸易开放研究[D];东华大学;2007年

2 张朝乐门;少数民族高等教育特色发展[D];内蒙古师范大学;2009年




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