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发布时间:2018-03-16 14:10

  本文选题:教育现代化 切入点:新一代信息技术 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入二十一世纪,世界经济和社会需求飞速发展,信息技术日新月异,信息化已经成为社会各个行业建设发展的必备要素。高校信息化是高等院校教育现代化的需要,也是形成现代化教育体系、转变为学习型高校、培养现代化优质人才的内在要求。高校信息化正推动着教学模式、教学观念、教学内容、教学方法的全面变革。高校信息化建设可以优化教学质量、促进科研水平、提高服务水平,辅助高校培养出适应现代化社会发展要求的创新型复合人才,也是我国高等院校提高高校整体办学能力、高校形象和核心竞争力的重要因素。高等信息化建设是知识经济时代高等院校实现高校现代化的必然趋势,是高校改革和发展的一项紧迫的战略任务,是一项具有长期性、综合性、创新性的系统工程。 目前我国高校信息化建设近年来取得了显著的成绩,高校信息化环境得到迅速改善,教育模式随着信息技术的融入,由过去单纯多媒体教学方式转变为如今的多媒体教学、远程教学、网络教育资源教学的多元化信息化教育方式。现代信息化技术在高校的应用也越来越广,诸如办公信息网、教务管理系统、财务管理等信息系统已经极大的提高了高校的工作效率和服务水平。学生的“一卡通”实现了高校各部门之间信息资源共享,不仅给学生带来了便利,还方便了学校管理。高校信息化已经无处不在,随着信息技术的不断发展,特别是云计算、物联网等新一代信息技术的出现,信息化技术在高校的应用也越来越广泛和重要。但同时随着信息技术的日新月异,高校信息化建设也存在诸多的问题。部分高校信息化建设环境落后,缺乏统一的标准和规章制度,评估体系不健全、信息安全问题等因素都制约着我国高校信息化建设的发展。 本文参阅了国内外大量有关信息化建设的文献资料,汲取既有的经验与成果,分析并比较国内外高校在信息化建设的差异,结合对西南财经大学、四川大学、成都理工大学等多所四川高校进行实地调研,以一名高校建设者的角度去思考和发现,找出我国和国外高校信息化建设的现状和发展趋势,对我国高校信息化建设存在的问题进行阐述,深入分析并总结提出我国高校信息化发展的对策,为高校信息化建设提供了理论参考和实践方案。 在研究方法,本文主要采用了文献分析法、调查法、案例分析法等多种研究方法。充分利用网络、图书馆、期刊等资源查阅了国内外大量与信息技术相关研究文献,了解了信息技术的前沿技术和在各领域中的应用,掌握信息化建设已有的成果和最新的研究动态信息。另一方面,广泛查阅高校信息化建设的相关文献,尽可能搜集到详实的第一手材料,为本文研究奠定坚实的基础。在阅读大量文献和理论综述的基础上,对比国内外高校信息化建设的差异,整理归纳出我国高校信息化建设现状和制约其发展的原因,结合国内外在信息化建设的佼佼者成功的实际案例并提出假设。通过对四川几所高校管理人员、师生信息化建设的问卷调查,获取实际资料,以验证我国高校信息化现状和找出的制约因素,并深入分析提出我国高校信息化建设的对策。
[Abstract]:In twenty-first Century, the world economic and social needs of rapid development of information technology change rapidly, informatization has become the essential element of the construction and development of all sectors of society. University informatization is the need of higher education modernization, but also the formation of modern education system, into a learning type university, the inherent requirements of cultivating modern high-quality talent. University informatization is driving teaching mode the concept of teaching, teaching content, teaching methods, comprehensive reform of informatization construction in Colleges and universities can improve teaching quality, promote the level of scientific research, improve service level, cultivate innovative learning requirements of the development of modern society and talents, colleges and Universities in our country to improve the overall ability of running universities, important factors and the core competitiveness of the university image the construction of informationization in higher colleges. Is the era of knowledge economy to realize the modernization of high school The inevitable trend is an urgent strategic task for the reform and development of colleges and universities. It is a long-term, comprehensive and innovative system project.
At present our country university informatization construction in recent years has made remarkable achievements, the information environment has been improving rapidly, education mode with the integration of information technology, change from the past simple multimedia teaching mode for multimedia teaching, the remote teaching, diversified information education network education resources teaching. The application of modern information technology in College is more and more widely, such as office information network, management system, financial management information system has greatly improved the working efficiency and service level. The students "card" realize the information resources sharing between the various departments of the university students, not only to bring the convenience, but also facilitate the school management. University informatization has been everywhere. With the continuous development of information technology, especially the emergence of cloud computing, networking and other new generation of information technology, information technology The application is becoming more and more important. But at the same time, along with the information technology change rapidly, university information construction also has many problems. Some colleges and universities information construction environment lags behind, the lack of unified standards and regulations, evaluation system is not perfect, the information security problems and other factors are restricting the development of China's information construction in Colleges and universities.
In this paper, refer to a large number of domestic and foreign construction of the relevant information literature, learn from existing experience and achievements, analyze and compare the differences in information construction of colleges and universities at home and abroad, combined with the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Sichuan University, conducted field research Chengdu University of Technology and other colleges and universities in Sichuan, with a college builder's point of view to think about and find out the status quo and the development trend of China and foreign universities informatization construction, existing in our country's University information construction problems, in-depth analysis and summarizes the development of China's colleges and universities informatization strategy, provides theoretical reference and practical scheme for informatization construction in Colleges and universities.
In research methods, this paper mainly adopts literature analysis, survey method, various research methods such as case analysis. Make full use of the network, the library periodical resources such as access to a large number of relevant literatures and information technology, understand the advanced technology and application of information technology in various fields, grasp the existing informatization construction the latest research results and dynamic information. On the other hand, extensive literature review of informatization construction in Colleges and universities, as far as possible to collect first-hand materials detailed, lay a solid foundation for this study. After reading large amount of literature and theory on the basis of the review, comparing the differences between domestic and foreign university informatization construction, summarizes the status quo of college information construction in China and the reasons restricting its development, combined with the actual case leader at home and abroad the success of the informatization construction and put forward by Sichuan several assumptions. A questionnaire survey of university administrators, teachers and students information construction is carried out to get actual data, so as to verify the status quo and find out the restrictive factors of university informatization in China, and further analyze the Countermeasures for information construction in Chinese universities.



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