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发布时间:2018-03-17 09:48

  本文选题:医学专科学校 切入点:专业设置 出处:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:医学应用型人才的培养质量与医学专科学校的专业设置和建设密切相关,专业设置是学校教育紧密连接社会需求的纽带,专业建设是学校教育主动灵活地满足社会需求的关键环节。因此,医学专科学校的专业设置和专业建设研究,对提高医学应用型人才质量和人民群众的生活质量具有一定的理论和现实意义。 通过调查研究我们发现,湖南医学专科学校专业设置与建设主要存在以下三方面问题:培养目标缺乏特色;专业结构不太合理;专业建设滞后、水平低。究其原因,主要是各学校没有形成清晰、适切的人才培养理念和健全的自我发展、自我调整专业管理机制,再加上现有办学条件不足,致使专业设置和专业结构不合理,专业建设发展问题突出。因此,要解决湖南医学专科学校专业设置与建设存在的问题,首先要转变办学理念,遵循医学教育的基本规律,形成基于本校情况的办学思路,其次建立健全自我发展、自我调整的专业管理机制,培育特色专业,优化专业结构,形成专业集群优势。与此同时,努力改善办学条件,开拓多种渠道,筹集办学经费,提高师资水平,加强实训基地建设,培养学生实践操作技能。
[Abstract]:The training quality of medical applied talents is closely related to the specialty setting and construction of medical colleges and universities. Specialty construction is the key link of school education to meet the needs of society actively and flexibly. It has certain theoretical and practical significance to improve the quality of medical applied talents and the quality of life of the people. Through investigation and study, we find that there are three main problems in the establishment and construction of specialty in Hunan Medical College: the lack of characteristics of training objectives, the unreasonable professional structure, the lagging of professional construction and the low level of specialty construction. It is mainly because the schools have not formed a clear and appropriate concept of talent training and sound self-development, self-adjusting the professional management mechanism, and the existing conditions for running a school are insufficient, resulting in unreasonable professional setting and professional structure. Therefore, in order to solve the problems existing in the establishment and construction of specialties in Hunan Medical College, we must first change the idea of running a school, follow the basic laws of medical education, and form an idea of running a school based on the situation of the school. Secondly, we should establish and perfect the professional management mechanism of self-development and self-adjustment, cultivate the specialty with characteristics, optimize the professional structure and form the advantage of professional cluster. At the same time, we should try to improve the conditions of running schools, open up various channels, and raise funds for running schools. Improve the level of teachers, strengthen the construction of practical training base, and cultivate students' practical operation skills.


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