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发布时间:2018-03-17 12:20

  本文选题:中心城市 切入点:本科院校 出处:《湖北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展,我国的科学技术水平也在不断提高,每一个行业都需要很多理论基础扎实并且实践能力强的应用型人才。对于高等教育的培养目标来说,培养应用型本科人才越来越重要,这是时代发展的必然结果,也是高等教育多元化发展的要求。 随着高等教育的普及,中心城市建立了更多的本科院校,而这些院校也已成为高等教育的中坚力量。中心城市本科院校作为应用型本科教育中最重要的组成部分,培养出了大批高素质的应用型人才,服务并促进了地方经济的发展。但是,因为我国的高等教育长期以行政为主导,导致中心城市本科院校在发展的进程中受到了许多阻力。中心城市应以“应用型人才”培养为教育教学的目标,逐步提高学校的软硬件实力,走精英教育和大众教育相结合的发展模式,积极健康地向前发展。 本文在对有关中心城市本科院校人才培养的文献资料整理和实践调查的基础上,对中心城市本科院校应用型人才培养展开了阐述。和其他类型高校相比,中心城市本科院校应用型人才培养存在一些问题,主要表现在:学校专业课程设置方面不合理、师资水平不强和实践设施不完善。文章以H学院为例,进一步具体进行实证研究,并对比分析了国外一些发达国家应用型人才培养的经验。文章最后结合当前我国中心城市本科院校发展现状特点,针对性地给出了改善应用型人才教育教学条件的建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and economy, the level of science and technology in our country is improving constantly. Every industry needs a lot of applied talents with solid theoretical foundation and strong practical ability. Cultivating applied undergraduate talents is becoming more and more important, which is the inevitable result of the development of the times and the requirement of diversified development of higher education. With the popularization of higher education, more colleges and universities have been established in central cities, and these colleges have become the backbone of higher education. A large number of high-quality applied talents have been trained to serve and promote the development of the local economy. However, since China's higher education has been dominated by administration for a long time, As a result, undergraduate colleges and universities in central cities are confronted with many obstacles in the process of development. In central cities, the cultivation of "applied talents" should be taken as the goal of education and teaching, and the strength of the software and hardware of the schools should be gradually improved. Take the development model of combination of elite education and mass education, and develop actively and healthily. On the basis of literature review and practical investigation on talent training of undergraduate colleges in central cities, this paper expounds the cultivation of applied talents in undergraduate colleges and universities in central cities. There are some problems in the cultivation of applied talents in undergraduate colleges and universities in central cities, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects: unreasonable courses, weak teachers and imperfect practical facilities. This paper takes H College as an example. Further more, the empirical research is carried out, and the experience of cultivating applied talents in some developed countries is compared and analyzed. Finally, the article combines the current development characteristics of undergraduate colleges in central cities in China. Some suggestions are given to improve the teaching conditions of applied talents.


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