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发布时间:2018-03-17 17:53

  本文选题:师范生免费教育政策 切入点:媒介舆论 出处:《首都师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教育关系国家利益和公民利益,涉及各行各业,牵动千家万户。随着人们对教育关注度的不断提升,教育政策问题也日益成为大众媒介和社会各界公众关注的焦点。这种全民关注教育的结果,尤其表现在一项具体教育政策出台以后,随即成为各类新闻媒体争相报道的焦点,紧跟着就有多种话语评论相应。这种现象几乎成为每一项重大教育政策出台后所面临的共同境遇,师范生免费教育政策也不例外。那么师范生免费教育政策有效执行所依赖的媒介舆论环境究竟怎样? 本文以2007年5月至2011年12月报纸媒介对免费师范生的报道作为考察对象,利用实证研究方法对建构师范生免费教育政策的媒介舆论环境的七个方面逐一进行研究。采用内容分析法对师范生免费教育政策的舆论强度、舆论主体、舆论导向进行统计分析,为媒介舆论环境研究提供了数据框架。运用文本分析法深入解读师范生免费教育政策媒介舆论焦点以及媒介舆论的标题语言运用,并对舆论主体的教育理念、新闻价值取向用具体案例进行分析,为媒介舆论环境研究提供了内容基础。 师范生免费教育政策的媒介舆论环境从报纸媒体反映舆论的层面上看,报道数量总体呈上升趋势;舆论导向以正面宣传为主;作为舆论主体的教师、学生和家长的话语权在报纸媒体上基本缺失;舆论焦点集中在免费师范生宣传和免费师范生就业两方面。从报纸媒体引导舆论的层面上看,免费师范生的有些报道在新闻价值取向和认识上出现了偏离,某些报道中还存在错误的教育理念。基于以上分析,本文建议报纸媒体要进一步提高对师范生免费教育政策的认识水平,加强舆论宣传力度和舆论主体多元化,树立正确新闻价值观和教育理念,更好发挥舆论监督和舆论引导作用以构建一个有利于师范生免费教育政策实施的媒介舆论环境。
[Abstract]:Education relates to national interests and citizens' interests, involving various industries and affecting thousands of families. With the increasing attention paid to education, The issue of education policy has also increasingly become the focus of attention of the mass media and the public from all walks of life. The results of this kind of universal attention to education, especially after a specific education policy has been issued, have become the focus of all kinds of news media to report immediately. Immediately followed by a variety of discourse comments, this phenomenon has become a common situation faced by almost every major education policy. The policy of free education for normal college students is no exception. What is the media public opinion environment on which the effective implementation of the free education policy of normal school students depends? From May 2007 to December 2011, this paper focuses on the newspaper reports on free normal school students from May 2007 to December 2011. Using the method of empirical research, this paper studies the seven aspects of the media public opinion environment of constructing the policy of free education for normal school students one by one, and adopts the content analysis method to analyze the public opinion intensity and the main body of public opinion of the policy of free education for normal school students. It provides a data framework for the study of the media public opinion environment. Using the text analysis method, it deeply explains the media public opinion focus of the free education policy of normal school students and the use of the media public opinion title language. The educational idea and news value orientation of the public opinion subject are analyzed with concrete cases, which provides the content basis for the study of media public opinion environment. The media public opinion environment of the policy of free education for normal school students from the level of the newspaper media reflecting public opinion, the number of reports is on the whole on the rise; the public opinion orientation is mainly positive propaganda; the teachers as the main body of public opinion, The right of the students and their parents to speak is basically absent in the newspaper media; the focus of public opinion is on the propaganda of the free normal school students and the employment of the free teachers' students. Some reports of free normal school students have deviated in news value orientation and cognition, and some reports still have wrong educational idea. Based on the above analysis, This paper suggests that the newspaper media should further improve their understanding of the policy of free education for normal school students, strengthen the publicity of public opinion and the pluralism of the main body of public opinion, and establish correct news values and educational ideas. Better play the role of public opinion supervision and public opinion guidance in order to build a favorable media environment for the implementation of the policy of free education for normal school students.


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