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发布时间:2018-03-18 17:51

  本文选题:职业生涯规划 切入点:教育 出处:《吉林农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前,我国高校毕业生就业工作面临着比较严峻的形势,突出表现在高校毕业生就业人数逐年增加,地域和专业结构性矛盾日益突出,部分高校毕业生择业期望与社会需求差距明显。为此,党和国家高度重视,要求把促进高校毕业生就业作为我国就业工作的首要任务和重要民生工程,不断加大工作力度,切实抓好贯彻落实。 同时,积极引导和鼓励广大高校毕业生到基层就业已成为破解高校毕业生就业难问题的关键所在。从1994年国家开始实施高校毕业生“自主择业、双向选择”政策至今,历经近20年的发展,我国己初步建立起比较完善的高校毕业生就业制度和管理体制,形成了适应市场经济要求的经济框架体系,逐步建立起具有中国特色的高校毕业生就业指导服务体系。尽管,一些宏观政策性障碍,如户籍政策等短期内尚无法得到根本解决,但是国家已经唱响了面向基层、服务地方的主旋律。另一方面,大力开展和不断加强就业指导和职业生涯规划教育己成为广大高校共识,在起步晚、师资少、水平低的条件下,职业生涯规划教育在最近十年得到了快速发展。各高校在不同程度上均已初步建立起就业指导服务体系,为树立广大毕业生正确的人生观、价值观、就业观、择业观起到了不可替代的积极作用。 吉林农业大学自1948年建校以来,始终以服务地方经济建设和社会发展为己任,积淀形成了“明德崇智、厚朴笃行”的校训精神,为富民强省提供了有力的人才支撑、科技支撑和综合服务。作者从地方高等农业院校基层就业情况调查入手,积极探寻影响毕业生下基层的关键症结。同时,通过努力开展职业生涯规划教育实践,以思想认识和能力提升为主线,一一破解主要矛盾,初步建立起了极具地方高等农业院校特色的职业生涯规划教育课程体系,找到了一条二者紧密结合、相互促进、共同发展的道路,有力的推动了地方院校毕业生基层就业和全面就业。
[Abstract]:At present, the employment of college graduates in China is facing a severe situation, which is manifested in the increasing number of graduates' employment year by year, and the increasingly prominent regional and professional structural contradictions. For this reason, the Party and the state attach great importance to promoting the employment of college graduates as the primary task of our country's employment work and an important project of people's livelihood, and continue to strengthen their work. We must do a good job in carrying out the work. At the same time, actively guiding and encouraging college graduates to take up employment at the grass-roots level has become the key to solving the difficult problem of employment for college graduates. Since 1994, the government has implemented the policy of "self-employment, two-way choice" for college graduates. After nearly 20 years of development, China has initially established a relatively perfect employment system and management system for college graduates, forming an economic framework system to meet the requirements of the market economy. Gradually set up a service system of employment guidance for college graduates with Chinese characteristics. Although some macro-policy obstacles, such as the household registration policy, can not be fundamentally resolved in the short term, the state has already begun to focus on the grass-roots level. On the other hand, vigorously developing and continuously strengthening employment guidance and career planning education has become the consensus of the vast number of colleges and universities. Under the conditions of late start, fewer teachers, and lower level, The education of career planning has developed rapidly in the past ten years. In order to set up the correct outlook on life, values and employment of the majority of graduates, various colleges and universities have initially established the employment guidance service system to varying degrees. The idea of choosing a job has played an irreplaceable positive role. Since its establishment in 1948, Jilin Agricultural University has always been responsible for serving the local economic construction and social development, and has accumulated the spirit of the school motto "Ming de Chongzhi, Magnolia", which provides a strong talent support for a prosperous and strong province. Scientific and technological support and comprehensive services. The author, starting with the investigation of the employment situation at the grass-roots level in local agricultural colleges, actively explores the key problems affecting the graduates at the grass-roots level. At the same time, the author makes great efforts to carry out the educational practice of career planning. Taking the thought cognition and ability enhancement as the main line, solving the main contradiction one by one, the author preliminarily established the professional career planning education curriculum system with the characteristics of the local agricultural colleges and universities, and found a close combination of the two and promoted each other. The common development road, has promoted the local university graduate grass-roots employment and the full employment powerfully.


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