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发布时间:2018-03-18 20:12

  本文选题:全校性 切入点:创业教育 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:创业教育正式进入高校教育是从1947年哈佛大学商学院教授迈尔斯·梅斯(MylesMace)针对学校MBA学员开设创业课程开始的。不过,由于受当时美国社会经济环境的制约——以大企业为主流经济主体,创业以及创业教育并没有广泛得到关注和重视。到20世纪80年代之后,美国科技创业教育的兴起创造了美国以“硅谷”为代表的新经济发展的奇迹,从此,创业和创业教育逐渐被越来越多的国家和组织重视,并逐渐发展起来。1989年,联合国教科文组织在北京召开的“面向21世纪教育国际研讨会”上提出“Enterprise Education”一词,即“事业心和开拓技能教育”,后来,中国学者彭钢等将其译为“创业教育”。研讨会上提出“把事业心和开拓技能教育提高到目前学术性和职业性教育护照所享有的同等地位。”①——即创业教育将成为“学习的第三张通行证”。进一步强调了创业教育的重要地位,以及要着重培养学生的事业心和开拓技能。 在十六届五中全会上,胡锦涛同志明确提出了建设创新型国家的重大战略思想。在创新型国家建设和创新型人才培养的战略方针指引下,进行“全校性”创业教育,培养大学生的创新创业精神,是我国社会经济发展的必然要求,也是大学生自身综合素质提升的重要途径。而“全校性”创业教育组织模式的建立,也正是创业教育完善和发展的基础,是实现“全校性”创业教育的重要环节。 全文共分四个部分,第一部分:引言,包括主要概念的解析、研究现状、文章的研究目的与意义、主要内容和创新之处、研究思路与方法;第二部分:是对美国“全校性”创业教育组织模式的研究,在详细介绍美国现有创业教育组织模式之后,阐释了美国创业教育组织模式的产生及其发展阶段,同时阐明各模式之间的关系,最后进行典型案例分析,加深了对美国创业教育组织模式的认识和理解,为建立我国创业教育的组织模式提供参考和借鉴;第三部分:是中国“全校性”创业教育的组织模式研究,该部分介绍了我国创业教育的发展历程,并对我国开展“全校性”创业教育何以成为必然趋势做了分析,最后,通过归纳分析我国现有高校开展的创业教育模式,尝试归纳了我国三个典型的创业教育组织模式。第四部分:基于中美的比较研究,对我国“全校性”创业教育组织模式发展趋势进行了论述,同时,针对不同类型高校应如何选择合适的组织模式提出了建议,最后,笔者大胆尝试建立了我国“三位一体”的“全校性”创业教育组织模式体系模型,试图为我国“全校性”创业教育组织模式体系的建立提供有益参考。
[Abstract]:Entrepreneurship education was officially introduced to college education since 1947, when Harvard Business School professor Myles Myers Macestarted an entrepreneurship course for MBA students. Because of the constraints of the social and economic environment of the United States at that time, with large enterprises as the mainstay of the economy, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education did not receive widespread attention and attention. After 1980s, The rise of American science and technology entrepreneurship education has created the miracle of the new economic development represented by "Silicon Valley" in the United States. Since then, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education has gradually been attached importance to by more and more countries and organizations, and gradually developed. 1989, The term "Enterprise Education" was proposed by UNESCO at the International Symposium on Education for 21th century, held in Beijing. Peng Gang, a Chinese scholar, translated it into "entrepreneurship education." at the seminar, it was proposed that "raise the education of career and skills development to the same status as the current passport of academic and vocational education." 1- that is, entrepreneurship education will become "learning." Xi's third pass "... further emphasized the importance of entrepreneurship education, And to focus on cultivating students' career and pioneering skills. At the Fifth Plenary session of the 16 CPC Central Committee, Comrade Hu Jintao clearly put forward the important strategic idea of building an innovative country. Under the guidance of the strategic policy of building an innovative country and training innovative talents, he carried out "whole-school" entrepreneurship education. It is an inevitable requirement for the social and economic development of our country to cultivate the innovative entrepreneurial spirit of college students, and it is also an important way to improve the comprehensive quality of college students. It is also the foundation of the improvement and development of entrepreneurship education, which is an important link to realize the "whole school" entrepreneurship education. The paper is divided into four parts: the introduction, including the analysis of the main concepts, research status, the purpose and significance of the article, the main content and innovation, research ideas and methods; The second part is the study of the organization mode of "whole school" entrepreneurship education in the United States. After introducing the existing organization mode of entrepreneurship education in the United States in detail, it explains the emergence and development stage of the organization mode of entrepreneurship education in the United States. At the same time, it clarifies the relationship between the different models, and finally carries on the typical case analysis, deepens the understanding and the understanding to the American entrepreneurship education organization pattern, provides the reference and the reference for the establishment our country entrepreneurship education organization pattern; The third part is the research on the organization mode of "whole school" entrepreneurship education in China. This part introduces the development course of entrepreneurship education in China, and analyzes why it becomes an inevitable trend to carry out "whole school" entrepreneurship education in China. Through the induction and analysis of the entrepreneurship education models carried out by the existing universities in China, this paper tries to sum up three typical organizational models of entrepreneurship education in China. Part 4th: based on the comparative study between China and the United States, This paper discusses the developing trend of the organizational mode of "whole-school" entrepreneurship education in China, and puts forward some suggestions on how to choose the appropriate organizational model for different types of colleges and universities. The author tries boldly to establish the "whole school" organization mode system model of "the whole school" in our country, and attempts to provide the beneficial reference for the establishment of the "whole school" enterprise education organization mode system in our country.


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