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发布时间:2018-03-19 01:28

  本文选题:高等教育 切入点:教育经费 出处:《石家庄铁道大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,随着高校扩招规模的不断扩大,河北省高等教育已经从精英化进入大众化阶段。高等教育的快速发展,主要得益于政府投入力度的加大,但当前制约高等教育发展最突出的矛盾,依然是投入不足的问题。《河北省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》明确提出努力建设高等教育强省的目标,作为教育大省,河北省要实现教育的跨越式发展,教育经费的短缺是困扰高等教育发展的主要瓶颈,如何构建一套符合实际的投入保障机制显得尤为重要。 本论文首先对国内外高等教育理论进行高度概括和总结,吸收西方公共产品理论、人力资源理论和成本分担理论的精髓,为高等教育投入保障机制的建立提供理论基础;其次,对河北省高等教育事业发展状况进行简要概述,在此基础上,对高等教育经费投入总量、来源结构和使用结构这三个方面进行重点分析,目的在于深入了解河北省高等教育投入的现状及存在的主要问题,并总结出产生这些问题的深层次原因;随后,对河北省中长期规划期间高等教育投入需求进行预测,从供给与需求均衡的视角出发,构建了一个逐步线性回归分析模型,预测了未来十年河北省高等教育投入经费的总需求,以及高等教育财政性投入、学杂费两项主要投入来源主体的增长可能性。根据这一预测,反映出河北省高等教育事业发展的资金压力,为多渠道筹措经费提供依据;最后,提出河北省高等教育投入保障机制优化的具体政策建议:一是构建法规和政策保障体系;二是建立财政主渠道投入保障机制;三是完善多渠道教育经费筹措保障机制;四是设立高等教育经费使用效益机制。
[Abstract]:Since 21th century, with the continuous expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, higher education in Hebei Province has moved from elite to popular. The rapid development of higher education is mainly due to the increase of government investment. However, the most prominent contradiction that restricts the development of higher education at present is still the problem of insufficient investment. The outline of the Medium- and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan of Hebei Province 2010-2020 clearly puts forward the goal of making efforts to build a strong province of higher education as a major province of education. In order to realize the leap-forward development of education in Hebei Province, the shortage of educational funds is the main bottleneck that puzzles the development of higher education. This thesis firstly summarizes and summarizes the theories of higher education at home and abroad, absorbs the quintessence of western public goods theory, human resource theory and cost sharing theory, and provides the theoretical basis for the establishment of higher education investment guarantee mechanism. Secondly, a brief overview of the development of higher education in Hebei Province is given. On this basis, the total amount of investment in higher education, the structure of sources and the structure of use are emphatically analyzed. The purpose is to deeply understand the present situation and main problems of higher education investment in Hebei Province, and summarize the deep reasons for these problems, and then forecast the demand for higher education investment in Hebei Province during the medium and long term planning period. From the perspective of supply and demand balance, a stepwise linear regression model is constructed to predict the total demand for higher education investment in Hebei Province in the next ten years, as well as the financial investment in higher education. According to this forecast, it reflects the financial pressure of the development of higher education in Hebei Province, and provides the basis for multi-channel financing. This paper puts forward some specific policy suggestions for the optimization of the investment guarantee mechanism of higher education in Hebei Province: first, to establish a system of regulations and policies; second, to establish a mechanism for ensuring investment in the main financial channels; third, to perfect the mechanism of raising funds for education through multiple channels; Fourth, set up higher education funds use benefit mechanism.


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