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发布时间:2018-03-19 09:12

  本文选题:导师制 切入点:本科生导师制 出处:《北京工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在高等教育大众化步伐中,,为了进一步提升高等教育质量,提升高校人才培养水平,被誉为牛津皇冠上之宝石μ的导师制逐渐被引入我国本科教育阶段。导师制强调教师对学生个体的针对性指导,是国外许多知名大学培养本科阶段学生的重要形式之一。目前我国已有不少高校正在进行本科生导师制的改革探索,但相对于国外高校来说,我国本科生导师制的实践起步晚,在实践过程中,由于缺乏高层面纲领性指导以及对导师制内涵的深入挖掘,不同高校对于本科生导师制的解读与实施方案各不相同,而且在制度建设方面并没有加以重视,因此在本科生导师制的施行过程中产生了诸多问题。是不是给本科生配备了导师就是实行了本科生导师制?是不是新瓶装旧酒,把本科生的课业指导、生活辅导教师改称为导师μ就是实行了本科生导师制?本科生导师制促进学生个体水平提升的本质在何处?南橘北枳的现象如何在本科生导师制的借鉴过程中加以避免? 基于这些疑问,可以采用新制度主义理论作为本科生导师制制度建设的研究视角,综合运用历史分析法、文献研究法和实践调查法,着重分析导师制的历史发展与变革,从本源上分析本科生导师制的内涵。在此基础上结合我国本科生导师制制度建设的发展历程与现状,提出促进我国本科生导师制制度建设的路径与方法建议。 从起源与发展的过程上看,英国是导师制的发源地,而美国则将导师制系统引入本科教学阶段并将其本土化,因此本研究系统地分析了这两个国家的应用于本科阶段的导师制制度建设的特点,从而得出本科生导师制的内涵:以任务为导向,以个别化引导为主要形式,以程序化规定为有力推手,以常态化规定为保障,意在提高学生能力的学校教学制度。 在理论探究的基础上,通过详细分析我国本科生导师制的产生、发展过程及其特点,同时通过问卷调查、访谈与思辨分析,可以将我国本科生导师制制度建设方面的问题归结到斯科特制度定义框架的三个层面:本科生导师制规制缺失、制度内化困难、社会认同度较低。通过分析得知,为了促进我国本科生导师制制度建设,我们需要在制度规制的建立与形成、制度内容的认可与内化、制度环境的渲染与营造三个层面形成本科生导师制制度规制、规范和认知,最终使本科生导师制融入我国高校本科人才培养体系中去。
[Abstract]:In order to further improve the quality of higher education and raise the level of talent training in higher education, The tutoring system, known as the jewel 渭 on the Oxford crown, is gradually introduced into the undergraduate education stage in China. The tutorial system emphasizes the pertinence of teachers' guidance to individual students. It is one of the important forms for many famous universities to cultivate undergraduate students. At present, many colleges and universities in our country are exploring the reform of undergraduate tutoring system, but the practice of undergraduate tutorial system in our country starts late compared with foreign universities. In the process of practice, due to the lack of high-level programmatic guidance and in-depth exploration of the connotation of the tutorial system, different colleges and universities have different interpretations and implementation schemes for the undergraduate tutorial system, and they have not paid much attention to the system construction. Therefore, there are many problems in the implementation of undergraduate tutorial system. Is the new bottle of old wine, the undergraduate teaching guidance, life guidance teachers renamed as tutors 渭 is the implementation of undergraduate tutors system? Where is the essence of undergraduate tutorial system to promote the improvement of students' individual level? How to avoid the phenomenon of orange and trifoliate orange in the reference process of undergraduate tutoring system? Based on these questions, we can use the new institutionalism theory as the research angle of undergraduate tutorial system construction, comprehensively use the historical analysis method, the literature research method and the practice investigation method to analyze the historical development and reform of the tutorial system. On the basis of analyzing the connotation of undergraduate tutorial system from the source, combining the development course and present situation of undergraduate tutorial system construction in our country, the paper puts forward the path and method suggestion to promote the undergraduate tutorial system construction in our country. From the origin and development of the process, the United Kingdom is the birthplace of the tutorial system, while the United States will introduce the tutorial system into the undergraduate teaching stage and localization. Therefore, this study systematically analyzes the characteristics of the tutorial system construction in the undergraduate stage of these two countries, and concludes the connotation of the undergraduate tutorial system: task-oriented, individualized guidance as the main form. The school teaching system is designed to improve the students' ability by taking the procedure regulation as the force pushing hand and the norm stipulation as the safeguard. On the basis of theoretical research, through the detailed analysis of the emergence, development process and characteristics of the tutorial system of undergraduate students in China, and through questionnaires, interviews and speculative analysis, The problems in the construction of undergraduate tutorial system in China can be attributed to the three levels of Scott system definition framework: the undergraduate tutorial system is not regulated properly, the system is difficult to internalize, and the degree of social identity is low. In order to promote the construction of undergraduate tutorial system in China, we need to establish and form the system regulation, the recognition and internalization of the system content, and the rendering and construction of the institutional environment to form the undergraduate tutorial system regulation, norm and cognition. Finally, the tutorial system of undergraduate students should be integrated into the cultivation system of undergraduate talents in colleges and universities of our country.


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