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发布时间:2018-03-19 11:25

  本文选题:人力资源 切入点:中层管理人员 出处:《厦门大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:竞聘制度的有效建立能够实现能岗匹配,使得每一个岗位配备有合适的人,每一个人都有合适的岗位。但竞聘制度能否得到有效落实,关键在于竞聘制度体系设计的合理性和科学性。 本文共分为五章,其核心章节为第三章和第四章,重点研究高校中层管理人员竞聘制度,以胜任力模型为基础,运用360。绩效测评法、演讲、面试及无领导小组讨论等评价中心测评技术方法,构建符合A高校中层管理人员竞聘工作实际需要的竞聘制度。 第一章:绪论。 第二章:竞聘制度的相关理论综述。本章节对竞聘上岗理论进行了理论综述,阐明竞聘制度的内涵、特点、目的,说明竞聘制度的理论基础、胜任力模型的构建及评价中心的运用方法。 第三章:A高校中层管理人员竞聘制度施行现状及问题。本章节对A高校中层管理人员竞聘制度施行现状及主要问题展开讨论,认为A高校中层管理人员竞聘制度的主要问题体现在竞聘岗位分析不到位、测评方法设置不尽合理及竞聘结果运用不甚妥当三方面。 第四章:对A高校中层管理人员竞聘制度提出改进意见。以人事处处长岗位竞聘为例,通过岗位分析、岗位说明书的调整,竞聘组织机构及竞聘流程的重新设置,对A高校中层管理人员测评体系进行再设计,并就反馈机制及后续管理机制展开讨论。 第五章:结论。阐述本文的主要结论。
[Abstract]:The effective establishment of competitive employment system can realize the match of the ability and the post, so that each post has the right person, and everyone has the right position. But whether the competitive recruitment system can be effectively implemented, The key lies in the rationality and scientific nature of the system design. This paper is divided into five chapters, the core chapters of which are chapter 3 and chapter 4th. It focuses on the competitive recruitment system of middle managers in colleges and universities. Based on competency model, it uses 360. The technical methods of evaluation center such as interview and non-leader group discussion are used to construct the competitive employment system which meets the actual needs of the middle managers in A colleges and universities. Chapter one: introduction. Chapter two: the related theories of competitive recruitment system. This chapter summarizes the theory of competitive recruitment, clarifies the connotation, characteristics and purpose of competitive recruitment system, and explains the theoretical basis of competitive recruitment system. Construction of competency model and application of evaluation center. Chapter 3: the present situation and problems of the competitive recruitment system of middle managers in colleges and universities. This chapter discusses the present situation and main problems of the implementation of the system of competitive recruitment of middle managers in institutions of higher learning. It is considered that the main problems in the system of competitive recruitment of middle-level managers in A colleges and universities are that the analysis of competitive positions is not in place, the evaluation methods are not reasonable and the results of competitive recruitment are not properly applied. Chapter 4th: put forward some suggestions to improve the system of competitive recruitment of middle-level managers in A colleges and universities. Take the position of director of personnel department as an example, through post analysis, adjustment of job description, re-setup of organization and process of competitive recruitment. This paper redesigns the evaluation system of middle managers in A colleges and universities, and discusses the feedback mechanism and the follow-up management mechanism. Chapter 5th: conclusion. Expound the main conclusions of this paper.


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