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发布时间:2018-03-20 10:01

  本文选题:高校教工 切入点:健康状况 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:研究背景:高校教职工是一个特殊群体,他们拥有较高的专业知识水准,他们的目的主要是教书育人,培养中国未来的高级知识人才;做科研推动科学的进步,更好的服务社会。无论是教书培养人才还是搞科研都要求他们要不断的去学习,不断的去创新,不断的去钻研,加上生活和社会的压力使他们不得不努力的工作,这就会减少他们休息时间,减少他们的锻炼时间,生活和饮食上变的不规律,长期如此就会导致各种疾病的发生,他们的健康问题不可小视,我们要关注他们的健康。 研究目的:利用枣庄市某高校教职工健康体检资料,描述其多发病、常见病及异常生化指标,探讨健康危险因素与常见病、多发病的关系,提出相关对策与建议,为开展有针对性的健康教育提供参考依据。 资料与方法:资料来源于2012年9-10月份在枣庄市市立医院参加健康体检的枣庄学院教职工的体检报告。调查内容主要包括:教职工一般情况、健康危险因素、体格检查资料、化验检查报告等。利用SPSS13.0软件对资料进行统计学处理,主要采用χ2检验。 主要结果:(1)高血压检出率为16.5%,其中男性为21.8%,女性为9.7%,差异有统计学意义;男女职工不同年龄段高血压检出率,30岁以下年龄段不同性别之间没有差异,其余年龄段都有统计学意义。(2)血生化结果:血脂异常者检出率为25.6%,其中男性为36.0%,女性为12.6%,差异有统计学意义,年龄段比较60岁以上人群差异无统计学意义,其余组都有统计学意义。高血糖检出率为10.6%,其中男性为12.4%,女性为8.6%,差异有统计学意义,各年龄组比较差异无统计学意义。肝功能11项指标中,谷氨酰转肽酶偏高者为130人,总胆红素偏高者为124人。肾功能三项指标中,血尿酸偏高者为165人,尿素氮偏高者为30人,血肌酐偏高者为28人。(3)B超结果:脂肪肝检出率为23.7%,男性为33.7%,女性为11.3%,差异有显著性。男性前列腺增生122人,30以下年青人没有发病,60岁以上老年人检出率最高。(4)心电图结果:总异常检出率为17.6%,男性为16.5%,女性为18.9%,差异不显著。(5)妇科检查中宫颈炎、阴道炎的检出率分别为23.8%和22.6%,发病年龄都以30-50岁年龄段为主。(6)不同性别检出结果:在男女共患的常见疾病和异常指标中,阳性检出率中除心电图异常检出率男女教工没有显著差别,其余阳性检出率均为男教工高于女教工。(7)不同年龄检出结果:随着年龄的增长,疾病和异常指标的阳性检出率在增加,并且所患疾病的种类在增加,高血压、高血糖、男性前列腺增生及女教工高血脂随着年龄的增长,检出率一直在增加,60岁之后检出率达到最高。(8)健康相关因素与疾病的关系:吸烟、饮酒及超重与肥胖已被认为是引起多种相关疾病的危险因素,本次研究显示这三种因素与多种疾病有密切关系。 结论与建议:本次研究发现慢性疾病和高血脂等异常生化指标的检出率较高,这些疾病和异常指标主要集中于血压、血生化、B超、心电图,“三高”(高血压、高血脂、高血糖)现象非常明显,特别是男性,检出率普通高于全国的平均水平,男性老年人前列腺增生及女性妇科方面的疾病检出率都较高。 高校教工存在较多健康问题,本研究提及的这些疾病和异常指标应重点监测,定期进行复查,实现疾病的早期诊断与治疗。同时学校相关部门应根据体检报告,制定有针对性的健康教育方案与健康促进策略,提高教职工的健康保健意识,改善其身体健康。
[Abstract]:Background: college staff is a special group, they have high professional knowledge level, their main purpose is to teach, train China future advanced knowledge talents; to do scientific research to promote the progress of science, better serve the society. Both teaching and doing scientific research will require them to continue to learn and constantly to innovation, continue to study, life and social pressure and that they have to work hard, that they will have less time to rest, reduce their exercise time, life and diet become irregular, so long will lead to various diseases, not their health problems, we should pay attention to their health.
Objective: To study the use of staff of a university in Zaozhuang city health examination data, describe the prevalence of common diseases and abnormal biochemical indicators of the health risk factors and common disease, frequently occurring disease relationship, put forward related countermeasures and suggestions, to provide reference for health education.
Materials and methods: the physical examination report data sources in health examination in Zaozhuang municipal hospital in 2012 9-10 months of the Faculty of Zaozhuang University. The investigation includes: the staff of the general situation, the risk factors of health data, physical examination, laboratory examination reports. The data were analyzed statistically by SPSS13.0 software, mainly using the 2 test.
The main results: (1) the detection rate of hypertension was 16.5%, which was 21.8% for men and 9.7% for women, the difference was statistically significant; the detection rate of male and female workers of different ages of hypertension, there is no difference between the 30 age of different sex, the other age groups had statistical significance. (2) blood biochemical results: abnormal blood lipid the detection rate was 25.6%, which was 36% for men and 12.6% for women, the difference was statistically significant. No statistically significant difference in age between the population over 60 years old, the other groups were statistically significant. High blood glucose detection rate was 10.6%, male 12.4%, female 8.6%, the difference was statistically significant difference between the age. Group had no statistical significance. 11 indexes of liver function, r-glutamyltranspeptidase high 130, high total bilirubin was 124. Three indexes of renal function, high blood uric acid was 165, urea nitrogen high for 30 people, blood High creatinine for 28 people. (3) ultrasound results: the detection rate of fatty liver was 23.7%, male 33.7%, female 11.3%, there was significant difference. The male prostate hyperplasia 122 people, 30 young people do not have the disease, the elderly over the age of 60 the highest detection rate (4). Results: the total abnormal electrocardiogram the detection rate was 17.6%, male 16.5%, female 18.9%, the difference was not significant. (5) cervicitis gynecological examination, vaginitis detection rates were 23.8% and 22.6%, the age of onset is dominated by 30-50 years of age. (6) the detection results of different gender in common diseases and abnormal index in both men and women. In addition to the positive rate of abnormal ECG was no significant difference in rate of men and women teachers, remaining positive rates were higher than the male staff of female teachers. (7) the detection results of different age: with age, disease and abnormal index of positive rate increased, and the illness. The increase in species, hypertension, hyperglycemia, male prostate hyperplasia and female teachers hyperlipemia with age, the detection rate has been increased after the age of 60. The highest detection rate (8) the relationship between health and disease related factors: smoking, drinking and overweight and obesity has been thought to be caused by a variety of risk related diseases the factors, this study showed that the three factors have a close relationship with a variety of diseases.
Conclusion and suggestion: the study found that abnormal biochemical indexes of chronic disease and high blood cholesterol, high detection rate of these diseases and abnormal index mainly focus on blood pressure, blood biochemistry, B ultrasound, ECG, "three high" (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar) phenomenon is very obvious, especially the detection rate is higher than the average of ordinary men, the level of the country, the elderly male and female gynecological benign prostatic hyperplasia disease detection rate is higher.
The staff there are many health problems, these diseases and abnormal index of this study mentioned should focus on monitoring, periodic review, realize the early diagnosis and treatment of disease. At the same time, relevant departments of the school should be based on the examination report, develop a strategy to promote the plan for health education and health, improve the teachers' awareness of health care, improve the health.



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