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发布时间:2018-03-20 15:01

  本文选题:美国研究型大学 切入点:通识教育 出处:《浙江师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:通识教育自19世纪以来作为美国研究型大学的人才培养模式,因培养了诸多精英人才取得巨大成功而被世界各国竞相模仿。通识教育不仅仅是由一系列不同领域的课程所构建的,更重要的是学生在学习过程中,能够运用多学科的思维方式、研究方法、学科视野,以理性、合乎逻辑的方式分析、批判和解决各种问题,加之文理渗透、价值形成等作用,使得通识教育不单以课程的形式对学生产生影响,而是通过文化的形成对人才培养发生不可替代的作用。反观我国,我们的素质教育理念、制度、课程等都没有得到很好地落实,很多时候我们仅仅把素质教育简化为选修课来看待,缺乏素质教育在人才培养中的全要素渗透和全程参与,“他山之石,可以攻玉”,如何借鉴通识教育的成功经验,并正确理解和践行素质教育是我们今后必须面对的问题。 鉴于通识教育在人才培养的过程中所起到的重要作用,笔者试图在本研究中探究通识教育与人才培养之间的脉络关系,并基于以下几个方面展开研究:美国研究型大学的通识教育课程营造了一种怎样的文化氛围,它对学生产生了哪些效果,通识教育文化对人才培养的影响体现在哪些方面,我国素质教育不甚成功的原因何在以及我国的素质教育如何汲取美国高校通识教育的成功经验。通过研究,笔者发现,在通识教育的核心课程的设计中,人文科学课程营造了自由多元的环境氛围,社会科学课程塑造了民主批判的公民文化,自然科学课程引领了理性严谨的思维方式。因此,就通识教育所营造的大学文化对学生的影响而言,人文科学知识实现学生视角从关注局部到注重整体的转变,把握了知识的整体性和寻根性;自然科学知识的学习,让学生认识到,科学活动作为一个求真、求知、求是的过程,是人对未知世界的探索,不以任何功利为目的,并不断地追求创新;就社会科学知识的学习而言,通识教育关注人与人之间的心灵沟通,并教人尊重自然,使人与社会之间的和谐关系得以美好构建。总而言之,通识教育无论是在知识、能力还是情感上,对学生的成长都是不无裨益的,因此将素质教育纳入人才培养体系的全过程是提升大学人才培养质量的必需。
[Abstract]:Since 19th century, general education has been a talent training model for research universities in the United States. Because of the great success of cultivating many elite talents, many countries around the world are competing to imitate it. General education is not only constructed by a series of courses in different fields, but more importantly, students are learning in the process. Able to use multidisciplinary thinking, research methods, subject vision, rational and logical analysis, criticism and solution of various problems, in addition to the penetration of literature and science, value formation and so on. So that general education not only has an impact on students in the form of curriculum, but also plays an irreplaceable role in the cultivation of talents through the formation of culture. Courses and so on have not been implemented very well. In many cases, we only simplify quality education into elective courses, and lack the all-factor infiltration and full participation of quality education in the training of talents, "he said. How to learn from the successful experience of general education and correctly understand and practice quality education is the problem we must face in the future. In view of the important role of general education in the process of talent training, the author tries to explore the relationship between general education and talent training in this study. The research is based on the following aspects: what kind of cultural atmosphere has been created by the general education curriculum in American research universities, what effect it has had on students, and what aspects of the impact of general education culture on the cultivation of talents, What is the reason why the quality education in our country is not very successful and how does the quality education in our country learn from the successful experience of general education in the United States? through the research, the author finds that in the design of the core curriculum of general education, The humanities curriculum has created a free and pluralistic environment, the social science curriculum has shaped the democratic and critical civic culture, and the natural science curriculum has led to a rational and rigorous way of thinking. As far as the influence of the university culture created by general education on students is concerned, the humanistic knowledge realizes the change from paying attention to the part to the whole, and grasps the wholeness and root-seeking of the knowledge, and the study of the natural science knowledge. Let students realize that scientific activities, as a process of seeking truth, knowledge and seeking truth, are people's exploration of the unknown world, without any utilitarian purpose, and constantly pursue innovation; as far as the study of social science knowledge is concerned, General education pays attention to the spiritual communication between people and teaches people to respect nature, so that the harmonious relationship between people and society can be well constructed. In a word, general education is not only in knowledge, but also in ability and emotion. Therefore, it is necessary to bring quality education into the whole process of talent training system.


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