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发布时间:2018-03-20 19:20

  本文选题:重庆市 切入点:独立学院 出处:《重庆师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:质量是高等教育的生命线,,如何提高教学质量是高等教育永恒的主题。而教学管理是高校日常事务管理的重要环节,是维护正常教学秩序,提高教学质量的重要保障。 独立学院作为一种新型办学模式,在助推高等教育由精英教育向大众化教育转变的同时,正在经历由规模扩张到质量提升的过渡时期,其教学管理面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。研究如何加强教学管理,促进教学质量提高具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。 本文结合理论研究和实证研究,运用文献查阅、访谈和问卷等方法,分析了重庆市独立学院教学管理在培养方案、教学运行、教学评价、教学管理队伍四方面的现状,指出了培养方案重制定轻执行、教学运行重管理轻服务、教学评价重结果轻过程、管理队伍重使用轻培养等问题,并剖析了问题的成因。在全面分析的基础上,针对教学管理中的主要问题,提出了提高教学管理效率的建议:更新教学管理理念,营造良好管理文化氛围;科学定位,探索有特色的教学管理模式;加强过程控制,完善教学质量监控与保障体系;健全有效的激励机制,促进教学管理队伍的专业化建设。
[Abstract]:Quality is the lifeline of higher education, how to improve teaching quality is the eternal theme of higher education, and teaching management is an important link in the daily affairs management of colleges and universities, and it is an important guarantee to maintain normal teaching order and improve teaching quality. As a new mode of running a school, independent colleges are undergoing a transition period from scale expansion to quality improvement while promoting the transition of higher education from elite education to popular education. Its teaching management is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study how to strengthen teaching management and promote the improvement of teaching quality. Based on theoretical and empirical studies, this paper analyzes the present situation of teaching management in Chongqing Independent College in four aspects: training scheme, teaching operation, teaching evaluation and teaching management team, using literature review, interviews and questionnaires, etc. This paper points out the problems such as laying stress on the establishment of the training plan, emphasizing on the management and service, emphasizing on the teaching evaluation and the process, and the management team paying more attention to the use of the training than the training, and analyzes the causes of the problems. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis, the paper points out the causes of the problems. In view of the main problems in teaching management, the paper puts forward some suggestions for improving the efficiency of teaching management: renewing the teaching management idea, creating a good management culture atmosphere, scientifically positioning, exploring the characteristic teaching management mode, strengthening the process control, Improve the teaching quality control and guarantee system, perfect the effective incentive mechanism, promote the professional construction of teaching management team.


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