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发布时间:2018-03-20 21:37

  本文选题:高校 切入点:微博 出处:《兰州理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:微博的出现,让互联网更具活力,它已经成为影响社会发展最重要的舆论平台之一。它“人人都是麦克风”式的传播模式,改变着人们的生活习惯,改变着信息的传播形态,改变着人们话语权的分配。 在这样一场媒体变革中,微博这支队伍逐渐壮大,高校也借助这股东风顺势而为,各大高校的官方微博如雨后春笋般开通。高校传统的网络舆论平台,因其技术的局限、传播模式的单一、互动性不强、内容不丰富等问题发展缓慢,取得的效果也并不理想。 以这样的背景为依托,本文分析了微博的功能,高校微博的现状,目前存在的问题,高校开通微博的必要性等等,证实了高校微博的诞生是一件必然的事情,高校不但应该占领微博这块新媒体舆论阵地,更应该利用微博加强高校网络舆论平台的影响力,和过去的网络舆论平台形成互补,发挥微博独有的优势,对外宣传高校,对内作为一种思想政治教育的新手段,一种唱响网上思想文化主旋律的新媒介,一种扩大高校知名度及影响力的新途径。在此调查研究的基础上,论文将如何利用微博加强高校网络舆论影响力的对策总结如下:一是要高校提高对新媒体的认识,知行合一;二是要对高校微博体系中的各个微博细化分工,打造各自特色;三是要做足先下宣传,增强高校微博舆论平台的影响力;四是要线上下线活动丰富;五是建立高校微博体系,完善规范的高校管理团队。
[Abstract]:The emergence of Weibo has made the Internet more dynamic. It has become one of the most important platforms of public opinion affecting the development of society. Its "everyone is microphone" mode of communication is changing people's living habits and changing the mode of dissemination of information. Changing the distribution of people's right to speak. In such a media revolution, the contingent of Weibo has gradually grown, and colleges and universities have also taken advantage of this easterly wind to comply with the trend. The official Weibo of major colleges and universities has sprung up like a bamboo shoots. The traditional network public opinion platform of colleges and universities, due to its technical limitations, Problems such as single communication mode, weak interactivity and insufficient content are slow to develop, and the results are not satisfactory. Based on such a background, this paper analyzes Weibo's function, the current situation of the university Weibo, the existing problems, the necessity of the university opening Weibo, and so on, which proves that the birth of the university Weibo is an inevitable thing. Colleges and universities should not only occupy the position of Weibo, the new media and public opinion, but also should make use of Weibo to strengthen the influence of the network public opinion platform of colleges and universities, complement each other with the network public opinion platform of the past, give play to the unique advantage of Weibo, and propagate colleges and universities abroad. As a new means of ideological and political education, a new medium singing the main melody of ideology and culture on the Internet, a new way to expand the popularity and influence of colleges and universities. The countermeasures of how to use Weibo to strengthen the influence of network public opinion in colleges and universities are summarized as follows: first, colleges and universities should improve their understanding of the new media and combine knowledge with action; second, they should refine the division of labor and create their own characteristics in the system of Weibo in colleges and universities. The third is to do enough propaganda to enhance the influence of Weibo public opinion platform; four is to line up and down line activities rich; five is to establish a college system and improve the standardized management team.


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