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发布时间:2018-03-20 22:38

  本文选题:城市雕塑 切入点:公共空间 出处:《新疆师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:雕塑作为一门古老的技艺发展至今已经几千年的时间,而雕塑中的一个部分----城市雕塑,随着城市文明的发展,已经越来越多地被人们运用到城市的建设与规划当中。中国自改革开放以来发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们在基本的生活问题得到了满足之后,接下来就需要更多的精神慰藉,城市雕塑当之无愧的成为了当下中国城市建设的重点。城市雕塑时一个城市中重要的部件,作为代表城市形象的一个分子,城市雕塑需要的不单单是充当一个公共环境的填充物,,而是要从历史、人文、美学等多方面表现一个城市的面貌。因此,当下中国城市雕塑的建设与其所代表的城市文化就显得格外重要。 新疆维吾尔自治区,位于欧亚大陆中部,祖国的西北边陲,总面积166.49万平方公里,占全中国陆地总面积的六分之一,周边与多国接壤。由于特殊的地理位置和人文环境,使得新疆的经济在一定程度上始终落后于内地发达城市,但随着改革开放与西部大开发的脚步,新疆的整体发展也有了长足的发展,于是如何更好的塑造城市景观,如何通过高校的雕塑教育改善城市雕塑的质量,在这一时期成为了重点,同时它们对于一个地区的雕塑行业的良性发展具有非常重要的意义。 本文从教学角度对于新疆高校的雕塑教育进行了分析,同时从环境艺术角度和高校雕塑教育对城市雕塑发展的对新疆的一部分城市雕塑作品进行了现状分析和存在问题的总结。结合新疆特有的地理环境和人文环境对于新疆现有的城市雕塑建设情况做了具体的统计与案例分析,并同时对一些问题与症结给出了一些个人的思考建议。本文希望能够通过论述与评价新疆的城市雕塑状况以及出现的一些问题,从而促进新疆城市雕塑想更好、更优的道路上发展,同时也希望新疆的高校雕塑教育在现在的程度上更加可持续地发展,为新疆以后的雕塑艺术和雕塑产业铺下一条长远的道路。
[Abstract]:Sculpture as an ancient art has been developed for thousands of years, and a part of sculpture-urban sculpture, with the development of urban civilization, It has been used more and more in the construction and planning of cities. China has undergone tremendous changes since the reform and opening up. After people have met their basic living problems, they need more spiritual consolation. Urban sculpture has become the focus of the current urban construction in China. Urban sculpture is an important part of a city, as a representative of the image of the city. What urban sculpture needs is not only to act as a filling material for a public environment, but also to represent a city's appearance in many aspects, such as history, humanities, aesthetics, etc. Therefore, At present, the construction of Chinese urban sculpture and its representative urban culture is particularly important. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region, located in the middle of Eurasia and the northwestern border of the motherland, covers a total area of one million six hundred and sixty-four thousand and nine hundred square kilometers, accounting for 1/6 of the total land area of China, bordering many countries. Due to its special geographical location and cultural environment, To a certain extent, Xinjiang's economy has always lagged behind the developed cities in the interior. However, with the pace of reform and opening up and the large-scale development of the western region, Xinjiang's overall development has also made considerable progress, so how to better shape the urban landscape, How to improve the quality of urban sculpture through sculpture education in colleges and universities has become the focus in this period, and they are of great significance to the healthy development of sculpture industry in a region. This paper analyzes the sculpture education in Xinjiang universities from the perspective of teaching. At the same time, from the point of view of environmental art and university sculpture education, this paper analyzes the present situation of some urban sculpture works in Xinjiang and summarizes the existing problems from the angle of environmental art and university sculpture education. Has done the concrete statistics and the case analysis in the Xinjiang present city sculpture construction situation, At the same time, it gives some personal thinking suggestions on some problems and sticking points. This paper hopes to be able to discuss and evaluate the status of urban sculpture in Xinjiang and some problems, so as to promote better urban sculpture in Xinjiang. At the same time, we hope that the sculpture education in Xinjiang will develop more sustainably to the present degree, which will pave a long way for the sculpture art and sculpture industry in Xinjiang.


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