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发布时间:2018-03-20 22:52

  本文选题:山西高校 切入点:高校教师 出处:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国高等教育改革的不断深入,建立并完善符合高等教育发展形势的高校教师绩效评价体制已成为促进高校健康可持续发展的必然要求。高校教师绩效评价对教师的聘用、晋升、奖惩等多方面都发挥着重要的作用,不仅影响教师的工作态度和学术及个人发展,,还对整个高校在战略上的发展起着重要的指导作用。在此大环境下,正逢山西省事业单位绩效体制改革之势,山西高校作为事业单位中的特殊群体,其教师绩效评价体系有着双重改革的必要性和特殊性。 从现有资料来看,国内关于高校教师绩效评价体系的研究不乏,但是多为全国性研究,或是针对个别院校,而对于山西省的具体研究却很少。因此,本文选取山西省高校作为研究对象。 通过对山西多所高校人事处与教师的走访和问卷调查,具体了解山西高校当下的教师绩效评价体系现状并分析其问题及原因,完善评价理念,借鉴周边绩效理论,有针对性的制定评价指标。运用层次分析法和MATLAB软件计算权重,进而构建具有山西特色的高校教师绩效评价体系,并提出推行和完善该体系的进一步建议。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of higher education in our country, the establishment and improvement of the performance evaluation system of college teachers in accordance with the development situation of higher education has become an inevitable requirement to promote the healthy and sustainable development of colleges and universities. Promotion, rewards and punishments play an important role, which not only affects teachers' working attitude and academic and personal development, but also plays an important guiding role in the strategic development of the whole university. As a special group of institutions in Shanxi Province, it is necessary and special for the teachers' performance evaluation system to be reformed in the course of the reform of the performance system of Shanxi's institutions. From the existing data, there is no lack of domestic research on the performance evaluation system of university teachers, but most of the research is national, or aimed at individual colleges, but the specific research on Shanxi Province is very few. This article selects Shanxi Province colleges and universities as the research object. Through the visits and questionnaires to the personnel departments and teachers of many colleges and universities in Shanxi Province, the present situation of teachers' performance evaluation system in Shanxi colleges and universities is understood, the problems and reasons are analyzed, the evaluation idea is perfected, and the peripheral performance theory is used for reference. The evaluation index is formulated and the weight is calculated by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and MATLAB software, and then the performance evaluation system of college teachers with Shanxi characteristics is constructed, and further suggestions are put forward to carry out and perfect the system.


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