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发布时间:2018-03-21 06:42

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:法治教育 出处:《湖南科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The rapid development of network technology has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the ideological and political education of college students. How to realize the link between the education of the university students' rule of law and the network carrier is a hot topic that the academic and practical circles pay close attention to. In the exploration of the university students' rule of law education by using the network, the research and practice on this subject have made some positive achievements. The Ministry of Education has also issued some guiding documents on strengthening ideological and political education in colleges and universities on the Internet. However, with the deepening of the reform and the changes in the social environment of the rule of law, It puts forward new requirements for the network of university students' rule of law education. In the new situation, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study the network of college students' rule of law education for improving the effectiveness of the legal education in colleges and universities. This paper synthesizes the current research situation at home and abroad, and applies pedagogy, ethics, psychology, etc. The principles of sociology and other related disciplines are mainly studied by the methods of literature analysis, questionnaire investigation and the combination of theory and practice. The article is mainly divided into three parts: the first part is an overview of the network of college students' rule of law education. This paper analyzes the connotation of the rule of law education and the network of the university students' rule of law education, analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of the university students' rule of law education network. The second part is the analysis of the influence of the network on the university students' rule of law education, the second part is the analysis of the influence of the network on the university students' rule of law education. It is divided into two aspects: positive influence and negative influence. These effects are important reference factors to strengthen the network of university students' rule of law education. In the course of putting forward the path, we should take advantage of the advantages and avoid the disadvantages, and make good use of the positive influence of the network. And try to overcome the negative influence. Finally, the third part is the network path of college students' rule of law education, which is the key part of the full text, put forward the specific path: adhere to the principle of the network of university students' rule of law education, Scientific arrangement of the content of rule of law education in the network environment, efforts to create a high quality network education dual subjects, actively innovation of the network carrier under the rule of law education methods, Try to improve the network construction and supervision of the rule of law education. The innovation of this paper lies in the fusion of the relevant knowledge of ideological and political education and law. This paper brings forward a new concept of the network path of university students' rule of law education, and defines the concept of the network path of the university students' rule of law education. After analyzing the influence of network on college students' rule of law education, the paper puts forward the way to strengthen the network of university students' rule of law education.


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