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发布时间:2018-03-21 07:02

  本文选题:德育危机 切入点:高等职业技术学院 出处:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在这个信息化的时代里,网络似乎占据了人们生活的主体地位,在给人们带来很多方便的同时,它也越来越多地影响了现代学生们的学习,甚至生活。同时当前的教育也受到了挑战,在部分“老式”的德育方法和理论在网络的冲击下,失去了适用的平台,网络打破了原有的高等学校德育生态体系,因此,各类高等学校必须重构德育体系,重新定位德育生态位,以便适应网络环境下学生思想体系的变化,达到育人的目的。 而高等职业技术学院作为我国高等教育的一个重要组成部分,无论是在学生培养体制和生源结构上和普通本科院校既有联系又有区别,一方面,高等职业技术学院在招生体制上和普通本专科学校没有区别,以学生高考考分录取,但是,根据目前的高等学校招生来看,高等职业技术学院在生源结构上大大落后普通本科院校,另一方面,,高等职业技术学院在培养体制上又与本专科学校不同,理论上并不要求具有系统性,而实践动手能力是这类学校最主要特点,但是,管理上又采用普通高等学校的管理方式进行管理。在这种情况下,高等职业技术学院学生德育方向变得模糊不清。 本文主要包括4个章节,各章的主要内容及要点如下: 第1章绪论。介绍选题背景及意义,综述国内外研究文献,并做简要评述;交代论文的研究思路和整体框架;阐述论文的研究方法与创新点。 第2章网络环境下高职院校德育工作的理论分析。首先分别对网络及网络环境、高职院校德育工作的内涵和特点进行了界定,再在此基础上阐述了网络环境对高职院校德育工作的冲击,为后文的论述奠定理论基础。 第3章网络环境下高职院校德育危机及其成因。主要是阐述了网络环境下高职院校德育危机的现状,并探寻出现问题的原因。 第4章网络环境下高职院校德育危机应对措施。这部分是从增强高职院校学生的网络道德意识、强化高职院校德育网络教育功能、重塑高职院校正确的网络价值观、预防高职院校道德失范等方面提出了解决高职院校德育危机的具体措施。 结论。对论文研究进行总结。 在社会高速发展,这种价值观相互碰撞的现今,大学已不再是“象牙塔”,本文希望从一种系统观的角度来看待高等职业技术学院德育问题,希望这类学校找准自己的德育生态位,深刻认识高等职业技术学院的德育与其他社会子系统之间的相互影响,从而对症下药,推动德育工作的顺利开展。
[Abstract]:In this information age, the network seems to occupy the main position of people's life, while bringing people a lot of convenience, it also more and more affect the study of modern students. Even life. At the same time, the current education has also been challenged. Under the impact of the network, some "old-fashioned" moral education methods and theories have lost a suitable platform, and the network has broken the original ecological system of moral education in colleges and universities, so, All kinds of colleges and universities must reconstruct the moral education system and reposition the ecological niche of moral education in order to adapt to the change of students' ideological system under the network environment and to achieve the purpose of educating people. As an important part of higher education in China, higher vocational and technical colleges are not only connected with and different from ordinary undergraduate institutions in terms of student training system and student source structure, on the one hand, There is no difference between the enrollment system of higher vocational and technical colleges and that of ordinary colleges and universities. They are admitted on the basis of students' entrance examination marks. However, according to the current enrollment of colleges and universities, On the other hand, the higher vocational and technical college is different from the college in training system, and in theory it is not required to be systematic. The practical ability is the main characteristic of this kind of school, but the management adopts the management mode of the ordinary higher education. In this case, the direction of moral education of the students in the higher vocational and technical college becomes blurred. This paper mainly includes four chapters. The main contents and main points of each chapter are as follows:. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the topic, summarizes the domestic and foreign research literature, and makes a brief review; explains the research ideas and the overall framework; describes the research methods and innovative points. The second chapter is the theoretical analysis of moral education in higher vocational colleges under the network environment. Firstly, the connotation and characteristics of moral education in higher vocational colleges and universities are defined respectively in the network environment and network environment. On this basis, this paper expounds the impact of network environment on moral education in higher vocational colleges, which lays a theoretical foundation for the later discussion. The third chapter discusses the crisis of moral education in higher vocational colleges under the network environment and its causes, mainly expounds the present situation of moral education crisis in higher vocational colleges under the network environment, and explores the causes of the problems. Chapter 4 measures to deal with the crisis of moral education in higher vocational colleges under the network environment. This part is to strengthen the network moral consciousness of students in higher vocational colleges, strengthen the function of network education of moral education in higher vocational colleges, and reshape the correct network values of higher vocational colleges. The concrete measures to solve the crisis of moral education in higher vocational colleges are put forward. Conclusion. Summarize the research of this paper. With the rapid development of society and the collision of such values with each other, universities are no longer "ivory towers". This paper hopes to look at moral education in higher vocational and technical colleges from the perspective of a systematic view. It is hoped that this kind of school will find its own moral education niche, deeply understand the mutual influence between moral education and other social subsystems in higher vocational and technical colleges, so as to find the right remedy and promote the smooth development of moral education work.


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