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发布时间:2018-03-21 08:42

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:民族精神 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:世界历史的发展一再证明,一个民族,只有具备了高昂的精神和高尚的品格,才可能屹立于世界民族之林。民族精神是民族文化的核心和灵魂,是一个民族赖以生存和发展的强大精神支撑。中华民族在五千年的历史中创造了灿烂的文化,形成了优良的文化传统和独具特色的精神内核,不仅成为凝聚中华民族的精神纽带,而且在世界民族之林烨烨生辉,对世界文明作出了重大贡献。大学生是国家的未来,是中华民族的希望,是社会主义全面建设的宝贵的人才资源。大学生的民族精神风貌和民族文化素养,不仅关系到个人未来的发展,也关系到整个民族的大业。在新时期,我国全方位的对外开放既为中华民族带来新的发展机遇,也不可避免带来多元文化的冲击。大学生是思想极为活跃的群体,易受各种新鲜事物的影响,如何在不同民族文化相互激荡的大背景下,精心培育大学生的民族精神,大力弘扬大学生的民族情怀,努力提高大学生的民族认同感、自豪感,用民族自尊心、自信心焕发出巨大的民族凝聚力,就显得尤为重要和迫切。因此,对当今大学生进行民族精神培育的研究具有非常重要的现实意义。 本文以当前大学生民族精神的双重表现为切入点,,针对大学生民族精神培育中存在的主要问题,深入剖析原因,逐一提出对策,希望能对大学生民族精神培育的研究尽绵薄之力,同时对完善大学生思想政治教育有一定借鉴。本文的内容主要包括以下三个部分: 第一部分:阐述民族精神的基本理论问题。包括中华民族精神的含义,中华民族精神的功能,大学生民族精神培育的现实意义。第二部分:新时期大学生民族精神培育的问题及原因分析。通过总结和梳理大学生民族精神中的负面表现,分析大学生民族精神培育中存在的主要问题,并试图找到大学生民族精神培育中各种问题的原因。第三部分:新时期大学生民族精神培育的对策。充实和完善新时期大学生民族精神培育的内容,探索大学生民族精神培育的方法,拓宽大学生民族精神培育的途径,健全大学生民族精神培育的保障措施,强化大学生家庭教育中的民族精神养成,优化大学生民族精神养成的社会环境。
[Abstract]:The development of world history has proved time and again that only when a nation has a high spirit and noble character can it stand among the nations of the world. National spirit is the core and soul of national culture. The Chinese nation has created a splendid culture in its 5,000 years of history, forming a fine cultural tradition and a unique spiritual core. Not only has it become the spiritual link that binds the Chinese nation, but also Ye Ye has made great contributions to world civilization in the world's national forest. College students are the future of the country and the hope of the Chinese nation. College students' national spirit, style and culture are not only related to the future development of individuals, but also to the great cause of the whole nation. China's all-around opening to the outside world has not only brought new opportunities for the development of the Chinese nation, but also inevitably brought about the impact of multiculturalism. College students are a group with extremely active thinking and are vulnerable to the influence of various new things. How to cultivate the national spirit of college students meticulously under the background of different national cultures, how to carry forward the national feelings of college students, and how to improve the national identity, pride and national pride of college students. It is particularly important and urgent for self-confidence to coruscate with great national cohesion. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the cultivation of national spirit for college students. Taking the dual expression of college students' national spirit as the breakthrough point, this paper, aiming at the main problems existing in the cultivation of college students' national spirit, deeply analyzes the reasons, and puts forward some countermeasures one by one. It is hoped that the research on the cultivation of college students' national spirit can do their utmost, and at the same time, it can be used for reference to perfect the ideological and political education of college students. The content of this paper mainly includes the following three parts:. The first part expounds the basic theoretical problems of national spirit, including the meaning of the Chinese national spirit, the function of the Chinese national spirit, The second part: analysis of the problems and causes of the cultivation of college students' national spirit in the new period, through summing up and combing the negative manifestations of college students' national spirit, This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the cultivation of college students' national spirit, And try to find out the causes of various problems in the cultivation of college students' national spirit. The third part: the countermeasures of the cultivation of college students' national spirit in the new period, and enrich and perfect the contents of the cultivation of college students' national spirit in the new period. To explore the methods of cultivating college students' national spirit, widen the ways of cultivating college students' national spirit, perfect the safeguard measures of college students' national spirit cultivation, and strengthen the cultivation of national spirit in college students' family education. To optimize the social environment for the cultivation of college students' national spirit.


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