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发布时间:2018-03-21 08:59

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:抗挫折教育 出处:《渤海大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经济社会的快速发展,使得大学生抗挫折教育备受我国学界及社会的高度重视,并因此取得了一些成果。但是,大学生抗挫折教育的研究仍然停留在理论研究层面,缺乏针对性、实践性和系统性,需要结合大学生身心健康发展和人格塑造将抗挫折教育作为进一步深入研究的课题。 本论文共分为五个部分。引言部分开篇名义,点出选题的原因、意义以及创新之处,,重点阐述了大学生抗挫折教育的重要意义;第二部分,对国内外学界关于挫折、大学生抗挫折教育、大学生抗挫折教育系统的概念进行了辨析,并对抗挫折教育方法相关文献进行了梳理;第三部分,通过问卷调查获得一手资料,并对数据进行统计及理性分析,以图示、表格、文字相结合的方式予以论述说明,得出大学生抗挫折教育存在认知误区、方法较为单一、实际效果不强等三个问题;第四部分,是论文的重点部分,也是创新之处,针对第三部分中得出的三个问题提出解决对策,从逻辑上和可操作性上绘制出“大学生抗挫折教育系统模型图”,并对大学生抗挫折教育系统模式从学术研究高度上进行了阐释;在论文的结束语部分,提出了大学生抗挫折教育系统模式在运行过程和发展中可能存在的问题,指出系统模式需要不断完善和改进,并对系统模式在未来发展中的位置及作用进行了科学预测。 全文将“抗挫折教育”作为逻辑起点,构建出“大学生抗挫折教育系统模式”,绘制出“大学生抗挫折教育系统模型图”,化抽象为具体,化静态为动态,化单一为系统,增强了大学生抗挫折意识,提升了大学生抗挫折能力,也为大学生抗挫折教育及相关学科的科学研究提供了理论借鉴和经验支持,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and society, college students' anti-setback education is highly valued by the academic and social circles in our country, and some achievements have been made. However, the research of college students' anti-setback education is still at the theoretical level. Lacking of pertinence, practicality and systematicness, it is necessary to combine the development of physical and mental health of college students and the shaping of personality to take the education of resisting setbacks as the subject of further research. This paper is divided into five parts. The introduction points out the reasons, significance and innovation of the topic, and focuses on the importance of anti-setback education for college students. The concept of college students' anti-setback education system is analyzed, and the related literature on the methods of anti-setback education is combed out. And carries on the statistical and the rational analysis to the data, discusses and explains by the diagram, the table, the text union way, obtains the university student to resist the setback education to have the cognitive misunderstanding, the method is relatively single, the actual effect is not strong and so on three questions; 4th, Is the key part of the paper, but also innovation, in view of the three problems in the third part of the proposed solutions, From the logic and maneuverability, this paper draws the model map of the college students' anti-setback education system, and explains the model of the college students' anti-setback education system from the height of academic research. This paper puts forward the possible problems in the running process and development of college students' education mode of anti-frustration education, points out that the system pattern needs to be improved and improves constantly, and makes scientific prediction on the position and function of the system mode in the future development. This paper takes "anti-setback education" as the logical starting point, constructs "college students' anti-setback education system model", draws out "college students' anti-setback education system model map", transforms abstract into concrete, turns static state into dynamic, and turns single into system. It enhances college students' anti-setback consciousness, improves their ability to resist setbacks, and also provides theoretical reference and empirical support for college students' anti-setback education and scientific research of related disciplines, which has important theoretical value and practical significance.


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