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发布时间:2018-03-21 11:13

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:媒介素养教育 出处:《重庆工商大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着信息时代的飞速发展,现代传播技术日新月异,媒介在人们日常生活及社会发展中的作用日益突出。以互联网为代表的新媒体以其多元化、娱乐性、互动性和虚拟性等特性吸引着众多大学生群体,并深刻的影响着他们的行为习惯。面对各种传播媒介所带来的纷繁庞杂的信息,,大学生的媒介素养只有相应的达到更高的水平,才能满足信息时代对大学生发展所提出的要求。因此,通过对在校大学生开展媒介素养教育,提升大学生的媒介素养水平,不仅有助于大学生提高认识传媒、选择和接触传媒的能力,而且有助于培养大学生正确解读、甄别和判断传媒所提供信息的能力,从而使他们学会如何有效利用大众传媒资源来促进自身发展。当代大学生作为高校媒介素养教育的主体,加强其媒介素养教育,是信息时代大学生实行素质教育的重要内容,也是大学生适应未来信息社会的必然要求。 早在20世纪30年代初,英国学者就已经开始倡导媒介素养教育的研究和实践。历经半个多世纪的探索发展,西方各国不仅在媒介素养教育理论的研究上投入了越来越多的力量,而且已经把一些研究理论转变成了各具特色的教育行动。与西方国家相比,我国真正的媒介素养教育研究才刚刚拉开序幕,大多研究都还只停留在纯理论角度,远未深入到社会实践当中,大众对“媒介素养及其教育”的认知和重视程度都还不够,媒介素养教育的发展还需要在借鉴国外已有经验的基础上,结合本国国情在实践中逐步探索和研究。 本文立足于新媒体时代传媒和社会变革的基础之上,综合各项调查数据,分析重庆市大学生媒介素养及接受媒介素养教育的现状和存在的问题,总结出重庆市大学生媒介素养的特点,分析重庆市大学生媒介素养水平不高的成因以及媒介素养教育相关实践实施缓慢的原因。结合时代特点、媒介的特殊性和重庆市大学生自身的一些特性,提出在新媒体环境下重庆市开展大学生媒介素养教育、提高大学生媒介素养水平的一系列建议和措施,并最终形成政府、媒体、社会和高校四者配合协作共同构建媒介素养教育体系的实践策略。希望通过积极而广泛地开展大学生媒介素养教育,使大学生群体与大众传媒之间形成良性发展,进一步培养大学生适应信息社会的能力,完善自我全面发展。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the information age and the rapid development of modern communication technology, the role of media in people's daily life and social development is increasingly prominent. Interactive and fictitious characteristics attract a large number of college students, and deeply affect their behavior habits. In the face of the numerous and complicated information brought by various media, the media literacy of college students can only reach a higher level. In order to meet the requirements of the development of college students in the information age, it is not only helpful for college students to understand the media, but also to carry out media literacy education for college students to improve their media literacy level. The ability to choose and access the media is also helpful to develop the ability of college students to correctly interpret, identify and judge the information provided by the media. In order to make them learn how to make effective use of mass media resources to promote their own development. As the main body of media literacy education in colleges and universities, strengthening their media literacy education is an important content of quality education for college students in the information age. It is also an inevitable requirement for college students to adapt to the future information society. As early as 1930s, British scholars began to advocate the research and practice of media literacy education. After more than half a century of exploration and development, Western countries have not only invested more and more strength in the research of media literacy education theory, but also have transformed some research theories into educational actions with their own characteristics. The study of real media literacy education in our country has just just begun. Most of the studies are still from a purely theoretical point of view, far from going deep into social practice, and the public's cognition and attention to "media literacy and its education" are not enough. The development of media literacy education needs to explore and study gradually in practice on the basis of drawing lessons from the existing experience of foreign countries and combining with the national conditions of our country. Based on the media and social changes in the new media era, this paper analyzes the current situation and problems of media literacy and media literacy education of college students in Chongqing. This paper summarizes the characteristics of the media literacy of college students in Chongqing, analyzes the causes of the low level of the media literacy of college students in Chongqing and the reasons for the slow implementation of the relevant practice of the media literacy education in Chongqing, combining with the characteristics of the times. The particularity of the media and some characteristics of Chongqing university students themselves, this paper puts forward a series of suggestions and measures to develop the media literacy education of college students in Chongqing under the new media environment and to improve the media literacy level of university students, and finally forms the government and the media. The society and the four college students cooperate with each other to construct the practical strategy of media literacy education system. It is hoped that through actively and extensively carrying out the media literacy education of college students, the students' groups and mass media will develop in a healthy way. Further develop the ability of college students to adapt to the information society and improve their self-development in an all-round way.


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