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发布时间:2018-03-21 15:05

  本文选题:风险社会 切入点:大学生 出处:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自20世纪70年代以来,人类社会发展的最显著特征就是进入了全球性、复杂性、不可控性和不确定性的时代。德国著名的社会学家、风险社会理论创始人乌尔里希·贝克将此时代称为“风险社会”。目前,中国改革已经进入攻坚期和深水区,在社会主义现代化建设的进程中面临着诸多风险。贝克曾说:“当代中国因巨大的社会变迁正步入风险社会,甚至将可能步入高风险社会”。在风险社会下,风险意识是衡量当代社会整体文明水平高低的重要标准,也是规避风险的关键一步。当代大学生作为社会主义现代化建设的生力军,是祖国未来的建设者和接班人,是民族希望的中坚力量。然而,大学生的风险意识现状却不容乐观。笔者认为,由于传统思想与大众传媒的影响,以及相关风险制度和风险意识教育的不够完善等多种原因,当代大学生存在着对新型风险的理性认识不足、认知风险的主体意识薄弱、面临风险的应急意识缺失、承担风险的责任意识不够和应对风险的群体意识缺乏等问题。因此,培养大学生科学的风险意识,增强其社会责任感,提高其应对风险的能力,自然成为社会各界和教育工作者义不容辞的责任。 风险意识教育是对现代风险社会的积极回应。在传统视角研究的基础上,笔者基于全球风险社会背景,结合实际情况,来审视当代大学生风险意识现状,以加强大学生风险意识教育。首先,在坚持马克思主义风险观的指导下,辩证地认识西方风险社会理论;其次,立足于理论和实践相结合等基本原则,强调加强大学生对全球化风险认识的同时,提高其应对个体性风险的能力,进而积极培养大学生风险的忧患意识、责任意识和群体意识;最后,当代大学生的风险意识教育需要学校教学体系的不断完善与风险实践活动的模拟训练,同时还需要家庭教育的和谐环境和新媒体互联网的正面宣传等。大学生科学风险意识的培育必须从全球风险和中国风险的现实出发,必须结合大学生风险意识现状的实际情况。在面临全球一体化和中国转型期双重风险下,加强大学生风险意识教育势在必行,这不仅是时代发展的现实需要,而且也是个人全面发展和构建和谐社会的必然要求。
[Abstract]:Since 1970s, the most prominent feature of the development of human society has been the era of global, complexity, uncontrollability and uncertainty. Ulrich Baker, the founder of risk society theory, called this era a "risk society." at present, China's reform has entered a critical period and deep water areas. There are many risks in the process of socialist modernization. Beck once said, "China is stepping into a risky society, or even a high-risk society, because of the great social changes." Risk awareness is an important standard to measure the level of civilization in contemporary society as a whole and a key step to avoid risks. As a new force in socialist modernization construction, contemporary college students are the builders and successors of the motherland in the future. However, the present situation of college students' risk awareness is not optimistic. The author believes that due to the influence of traditional ideas and mass media, as well as the related risk system and risk awareness education is not perfect, and so on. Contemporary college students have some problems, such as lack of rational understanding of new risk, weak subject consciousness of cognitive risk, lack of emergency consciousness faced with risk, insufficient sense of responsibility to bear risk and lack of group consciousness to deal with risk, etc. It is naturally an unshirkable responsibility for all walks of life and educators to cultivate their scientific sense of risk, strengthen their sense of social responsibility and improve their ability to cope with risks. Risk awareness education is a positive response to modern risk society. On the basis of traditional research, the author examines the present situation of college students' risk consciousness based on the background of global risk society and the actual situation. In order to strengthen the risk awareness education of college students, firstly, under the guidance of Marxist risk view, we should dialectically understand the western risk social theory; secondly, we should base ourselves on the basic principles of combining theory with practice. Emphasis is placed on strengthening college students' awareness of the risks of globalization, improving their ability to deal with individual risks, and then actively cultivating the awareness of risk, responsibility and group awareness of college students. The risk awareness education of contemporary college students needs the continuous improvement of the school teaching system and the simulation training of risk practice activities. At the same time, it also needs the harmonious environment of family education and the positive propaganda of the new media Internet. The cultivation of university students' scientific risk consciousness must proceed from the reality of global risk and Chinese risk. Under the dual risks of global integration and China's transition period, it is imperative to strengthen the risk awareness education of college students, which is not only the realistic need of the development of the times, but also the reality of college students' risk awareness. Moreover, it is an inevitable requirement for the individual to develop and build a harmonious society in an all-round way.


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