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发布时间:2018-03-22 00:10

  本文选题:大学社会评价 切入点:评价标准 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育的发展,社会作为第三方的评价主体对大学的评价作用也日益凸显。大学的社会评价主要包括认证和排行两方面,为了更好地对大学教育质量进行评价,需要设置全面、公平、合理及科学的评价标准。评价标准是否客观、公正、合理决定了大学社会评价的科学性和公正性,决定了其被社会接受和认可的程度。美国作为当今高等教育最发达的国家之一,其高等教育认证和排行是美国高等教育质量保障体系中的重要组成部分,而我国的高等教育认证和排行发展稍显滞后,因而,,笔者选取了中美两国的大学社会评价标准中具有典型代表的标准进行比较研究。 在认证标准方面,美国选取新英格兰学校和学院协会认证标准为例,中国选取普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估为例,在排行标准方面,美国以《美国新闻与世界报道》为例,中国以武汉大学中国科学评价研究中心发布的中国高校“竞争力评价”为例。在相同点方面:认证标准分别从办学目的、办学条件或办学资源、教育过程以及教育质量的标准分别进行论述;排行标准分别从教育投入、教育过程及教育产出的指标体系进行论述。在不同点方面:认证标准分别从注重学校的自我评估、定性与定量、多样性和个性化及学生学习结果方面进行论述;排行标准分别从教育质量、科研条件及校友捐赠的指标体系进行论述。同时从政治、文化和技术方面阐述了评价标准产生的原因。最后,在此基础上,笔者得出了几点启示及建议。相关启示有:转变政府职能,成立专业性认证中介机构;立足国情,建立合理的大学分类标准和分类评估;增加排行的信度,扩大数据来源渠道。具体建议有:强调自评为主,重视外部考察与自评相结合;注重定量与定性指标体系相结合;建立一般性指标与个性化指标相结合的指标体系;重视对学生学习结果的评估以及对排行具体指标的设置建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of higher education, the social evaluation of universities, as a third party, is becoming more and more important. The social evaluation of universities mainly includes certification and ranking, in order to better evaluate the quality of university education. It is necessary to set up comprehensive, fair, reasonable and scientific evaluation criteria. Whether the evaluation criteria are objective, fair and reasonable determines the scientific nature and fairness of the university social evaluation. As one of the most developed countries in higher education today, the certification and ranking of higher education in the United States is an important part of the quality assurance system of higher education in the United States. However, the development of higher education certification and ranking in China lags behind. Therefore, the author chooses the representative standard of university social evaluation between China and America to carry on the comparative research. In terms of certification standards, the United States selects the New England School and College Association Certification Standards as an example, China selects the undergraduate teaching level assessment of ordinary institutions of higher learning as an example, and ranks the standards. The United States takes "American News and the World report" as an example, and China takes the "Competitiveness Evaluation" issued by the China Science Evaluation and Research Center of Wuhan University as an example. The conditions or resources for running a school, the educational process and the standards for the quality of education are discussed separately. The index system of educational process and educational output is discussed. In different aspects: certification standards are discussed from the aspects of self-assessment, qualitative and quantitative analysis, diversity and individuation, and students' learning results; The criteria of ranking are discussed from the aspects of education quality, scientific research conditions and the index system of alumni donation. At the same time, the causes of the evaluation criteria are expounded from the political, cultural and technical aspects. Finally, on this basis, The author has obtained several enlightenments and suggestions. The relevant revelations are as follows: transforming government functions, establishing professional certification intermediary organizations; establishing reasonable classification standards and classification evaluation of universities based on national conditions; increasing the reliability of ranking. The concrete suggestions are: emphasizing self-assessment, emphasizing the combination of external inspection and self-assessment, focusing on the combination of quantitative and qualitative index system, establishing the index system of combining general index and individualized index; Attach importance to the evaluation of students' learning results and suggestions for setting up specific indicators for ranking.


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