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发布时间:2018-03-22 08:36

  本文选题:孔子 切入点:快乐观 出处:《华北电力大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当今社会经济飞速发展,物质生活条件不断改善,但人们的快乐感并没有增强。相反,不快乐成为当前人们心理状态的一大特征。这一问题在大学生中也很普遍。从近年来高校自杀,他杀案件频发中可以看出,如何使大学生逐渐快乐起来成为高校教育的重要课题。本文试图从孔子的快乐观中寻找到解决这一问题的答案。孔子的快乐观是建立在儒家“天人合一”思想基础上的、具有指导人如何更好生活的作用。以记录孔子及其弟子言行的儒家经典著作《论语》在各方面展现着快乐的元素。快乐是孔子和儒家追求的一种精神境界。 本文首先从不同角度阐释了快乐的定义,简要概述了在我国传统文化中占据主要地位的佛、道、儒三家的快乐观。本文认为快乐是一种心境,跟财富、年龄、环境无关,是精神上的一种愉悦,是一种心灵上的满足,我们用手触摸不到快乐,但是它却能够表现在我们的脸上。文章第二部分结合《论语》中有关于快乐的章节,详细归纳了孔子的快乐观,包括孔子的学习之乐、悟道之乐、交友之乐、休闲之乐、旷达之乐和节制之乐。同时从生活价值、方法价值和精神价值三个方面分析了孔子的快乐观在的现代价值。孔子的快乐观存在现代价值的同时,也在传播主体、存活能力、人们对孔子快乐观的认知以及实践方面都存在着困境。想要化解这些困境,应该本着科学的态度,为研究孔子快乐观提供一个宽松的氛围,确定明确的学科归属的同时也要将研究立足于当代人类实践,关切人们的生活。文章第三部分论述了当代大学生在信念、价值观、理想与现实、人生目标、人际交往和就业等方面存在的各种各样的问题。本文最后结合当代大学生存在的以上问题,联系当代大学生的生活实际,启示当代大学生在现实的学习和生活中寻找到乐趣,树立正确的价值观念和理想信念,积极乐观地与人相处,以一颗豁达之心面对生活中的各种困难与挫折,用心地享受生活、感恩生活,为进入职场、步入社会做好充分的心理准备。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the rapid development of social economy and the improvement of material living conditions, people's sense of happiness has not increased. On the contrary, Unhappiness has become a major feature of people's psychological state. This problem is also very common among college students. How to make college students happy gradually becomes an important subject in higher education. This paper tries to find the answer to this problem from Confucius' view of happiness. Confucius' view of happiness is based on the Confucian thought of "harmony of nature and man". The Confucian classic Analects of Confucius, which is used to record the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, shows the elements of happiness in all aspects. Happiness is a spiritual realm pursued by Confucius and Confucianism. This paper first explains the definition of happiness from different angles, and briefly summarizes the happiness views of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, which occupy the main position in the traditional culture of our country. This paper holds that happiness is a state of mind that has nothing to do with wealth, age and environment. It's spiritual pleasure, it's spiritual gratification, we can't touch happiness with our hands, but it can be shown on our faces. Part two of the article combines the Analects of Confucius with a chapter on happiness. This paper summarizes in detail Confucius' view of happiness, including the joy of Confucius' study, the joy of understanding the Tao, the joy of making friends, the joy of leisure, the joy of magnanimity and the joy of moderation. At the same time, from the value of life, Methods the modern value of Confucius' view of happiness is analyzed from three aspects of value and spiritual value. While Confucius' view of happiness has modern value, it also spreads the subject and the ability of survival. There are many difficulties in people's cognition and practice of Confucius' view of happiness. In order to solve these difficulties, we should take a scientific attitude and provide a relaxed atmosphere for the study of Confucius's view of happiness. At the same time, we should base our research on contemporary human practice and concern for people's life. The third part of the article discusses the contemporary college students' beliefs, values, ideals and reality, and the goals of life. Various problems in interpersonal communication and employment. Finally, this paper combines the above problems of contemporary college students, connecting with the reality of contemporary college students' life, and enlightening contemporary college students to find fun in their real study and life. Set up correct values and ideals and beliefs, get along with people positively and optimistically, face all kinds of difficulties and setbacks in life with an open-minded heart, enjoy life with heart, be grateful for life, and enter the workplace, Step into the society to make adequate psychological preparation.


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