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发布时间:2018-03-22 19:39

  本文选题:社会转型 切入点:大学生 出处:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国正处于社会转型期,社会的快速发展和进步使人们的道德观念发生了明显的变化。大学生作为社会转型的中坚力量,处于社会转型的最前沿,最容易受到社会转型带给他们在思想道德方面的影响。大学阶段正处于道德观念形成和确立的关键时期,,他们的道德状况直接决定着社会转型的兴衰成败。因此,如何在新的时代背景下,全面分析和把握大学生道德特点和道德问题,并以此作为出发点,继续推进高校道德教育改革,培养大学生的个人修养和自我教育能力,整合学校、社会、家庭等教育资源,把大学生的思想道德发展引导到一个新的轨道上来,自然就成为高校大学生思想道德教育工作中的重要课题。 本文由引言和四章共五个部分组成。 引言介绍了选题的目的和意义,研究的主要内容、方法和国内外研究现状。 第二部分至第四部分主要通过三个方面进行分析和阐述。一、社会转型与思想道德的概念界定。二、社会转型与大学生思想道德的关系。三、社会转型期大学生思想道德现状及原因。 第五部分是对大学生思想道德建设顺利实现的途径进行探索。可以采取以下四个方面的措施:一、重视高校道德教育理念创新与实践改革。二、加强大学生的个人修养与自我教育。三、坚持社会教育、家庭教育和学校教育相结合。四、坚持课堂教学、校园文化活动和社会实践相结合。
[Abstract]:Our country is in the social transition period, the rapid development of society and the progress of the change of people's moral values. As the backbone of college students is at the forefront of social transformation, social transformation, the most vulnerable to social transformation to bring their influence in the ideological and moral aspects. The university is in a critical period of moral formation and the establishment, their moral status directly decides the success of transition. Therefore, how in the new era, a comprehensive analysis and grasp the students' moral character and moral problems, and as a starting point, continue to promote the reform of college moral education, cultivate students' personal accomplishment and ability of self education, integration of school and society family, education resources and the students' Ideological and moral development leads to a new track, has become the ideological and moral education of College Students An important task in the work.
This article is composed of five parts: introduction and four chapters.
The introduction introduces the purpose and significance of the topic, the main contents and methods of the study, and the status of the research at home and abroad.
The second part to the fourth part mainly through three aspects analysis and elaboration. First, social transformation and ideological and moral concept definition. Two, social transformation and college students' Ideological and moral relations. Three, social transformation period college students' Ideological and moral status and reasons.
The fifth part is on the way of Ideological and moral construction smoothly to explore. You can take the following four measures: first, pay attention to the concept of moral education reform and practice. Two, strengthen college students' personal accomplishment and self education. Three, adhere to the combination of social education, family education and school education. Four, insist on classroom teaching, campus cultural activities and social practice.



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