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发布时间:2018-03-22 20:02

  本文选题:“90后”大学生 切入点:群体特征 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自2008年我国高等学校迎来第一批“90后”大学生,至2012年第一批“90后”大学毕业生走向社会,“90后”已经全部覆盖高校在校大学生队伍,占据整个高等教育人才培养的历史舞台。来自教育部新近公布的数据表示:2013年全国高校毕业生达699万人,比2012年增加19万,刷新了纪录。 在十八大提出的以“全面建成小康社会”为奋斗目标的未来8年时间里,累计约有5440万“90后”大学毕业生先后走入社会,奔赴各行各业,成为“全面建成小康社会”的人才资源,成为未来中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。 习近平在2013年5月4日“实现中国梦,青春勇担当”的讲话中指出:青年最富有朝气,最富有梦想。历史和现实都告诉我们,青年一代有理想、有担当,国家就有前途,民族就有希望,实现我们的发展目标就有源源不断的强大力量。 “90后”大学生作为青年一代的主要代表,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦将寄托在“90后”这一代身上。足以见得,“90后”大学生的人才培养势在必行,“90后”大学生群体特征的多维性研究是一个迫在眉睫的现实课题。 文章首先对“90后”、“90后”大学生及其成长环境、群体特征、多维性等相关概念进行了界定。在设计的调查问卷中,将“90后”大学生的大学生活分为思想政治生活、社会生活、学业生活、虚拟生活四个维度,涉及人生态度、价值取向、政治社会认知、消费观、情感婚恋观、学业观、人际交往、兴趣爱好等八个方面。 鉴于“90后”大学生成长在特定的社会环境下,思想特征与行为表现存在一定程度的不一致,知行脱节的现象较为突出,他们的群体特征存在许多灰色区域,不能单纯地用“好”、“坏”来区分和评价他们,而是要分析这些群体特征的矛盾关系与多维性。文章通过“90后”大学生在思想政治生活中的思想政治状况、民族精神、公民道德观念中的表现;在社会生活中的消费观念、情感态度、人际交往方面的表现;在学业生活中的成才观念、就业观念以及在虚拟生活中的网络依赖性、网络道德失范及自主意识与个性主义等方面的表现来研究“90后”大学生群体特征的多维性。最后,针对“90后”大学生群体特征的多维性的表现,探析了“90后”大学生的思想政治教育对策,旨在为“全面建成小康社会”培养人才提供一些意见和建议。
[Abstract]:From the first batch of post-90s college students in 2008 to the first group of post-90s college graduates in 2012, the post-90s college students have all covered the ranks of college students. New figures from the Ministry of Education show that there were 6.99 million college graduates nationwide in 2013, an increase of 190000 from 2012, a record. In the next eight years, with the goal of "building a well-off society in an all-round way," put forward by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, about 54.4 million post-90s college graduates have successively entered society and rushed to various professions. Becoming the talent resource of building a well-off society in an all-round way and becoming the constructor and successor of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the future. Chinese Dream pointed out in his speech on May 4, 2013 "realizing Chinese Dream and undertaking Youth bravely" that the youth are the richest, the richest and the richest. History and reality tell us that the youth generation has ideals and responsibilities, and the country has a future. There is hope for the nation and a steady stream of powerful forces to achieve our development goals. The "post-90s" college students as the main representative of the youth generation, Chinese Dream, who has realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, will rely on the "post-90s" generation. It can be seen that it is imperative to train the talents of the post-90s college students, and the multi-dimensional research on the group characteristics of the post-90s college students is an urgent and realistic subject. This paper first defines the concepts of "post-90s", "post-90s" college students and their growing environment, group characteristics, multi-dimension, etc. In the questionnaire designed, the college life of post-90s college students is divided into ideological and political life, social life, etc. There are four dimensions of academic life and virtual life, including life attitude, value orientation, political and social cognition, consumption view, emotional love and marriage view, academic view, interpersonal communication, interest and hobby. In view of the fact that the post-90s college students grow up in a specific social environment, the ideological characteristics and behavior are inconsistent to a certain extent, the phenomenon of disjointed knowledge and behavior is more prominent, and there are many grey areas in their group characteristics. "good" and "bad" should not be used simply to distinguish and evaluate them, but to analyze the contradictory relationship and multi-dimension of the characteristics of these groups. This paper analyzes the ideological and political situation and national spirit of the post-90s college students in their ideological and political life. The expression of citizen's moral concept; the consumption concept, the emotional attitude, the interpersonal communication aspect in the social life; the talent idea, the employment idea in the academic life, and the network dependence in the virtual life, This paper studies the multi-dimensional characteristics of the "post-90s" college students from the aspects of network moral anomie, autonomy and individualism, and finally, aiming at the multi-dimensional expression of the "post-90s" college students' group characteristics. This paper probes into the countermeasures of ideological and political education for the post-90s college students in order to provide some suggestions and suggestions for the cultivation of talents for "building a well-off society in an all-round way".


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