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发布时间:2018-03-23 01:36

  本文选题:中美 切入点:高校 出处:《北京化工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:青少年一直以来都被认为是祖国的未来、民族的希望,将对青少年的思想道德教育摆在和科技文化教育同等重要的位置,这是我党一贯遵循的教育方针。并且到2004年,随着中共中央、国务院先后下发8号文件和16号文件,全党全国将大学生德育推到了前所未有的高度,对大学生思想政治教育工作作出了周密部署和全面动员。在随后的十年时间,我国高校坚定贯彻落实党中央的教育方针,坚持实事求是的基本原则,不断研究大学生的道德心理发展规律,探索能够提高德育实效的方法途径,在这个国际国内环境复杂和科技文化变革日新月异的大时代里,为当代大学生的身心健康成长提供了天然保护伞,,为德育工作的成功开展提供了有力支持。 在肯定我国高校的德育工作取得骄人成绩的同时,更要时刻不能放松引导德育工作朝着质量更高、成效更显著的方向前进。因此,通过与其他国家高校德育方法的比较来吸收借鉴其他国家高校德育的有益经验,是提高我国高校德育实效性的重要途径。美国作为世界政治经济文化大国,尽管在社会性质、文化传统等方面与我国不同,并且青少年思想道德发展状况也有诸多不如意之处,但在人类普遍使用的共同文明上仍有值得我们学习借鉴之处。 本文以中美高校德育方法的比较为立足点,从课程设置、课堂教学方法、校园文化环境、社会实践活动、大众传媒以及社会公共环境的德育渗透这五个方面来切入,通过对中美两国高校这五个德育方法的比较,得出能够促成改进我国德育方法的四点启示:坚持政治理论课程,拓展课程体系设置;构建学生主体性德育模式,培养学生创造性思维;坚持显性教育与隐性教育相结合;引入教师指导机制,加强学生社团道德建设。最后以总结阐述整篇论文的研究内容及成果圆满收篇。
[Abstract]:Young people have all along been regarded as the future of the motherland, and the hope of the nation will put the ideological and moral education of young people at the same important position as the education of science, technology and culture. This is the educational policy that our Party has always followed. And by 2004, With the issuance of document No. 8 and document No. 16 by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the whole party and the whole country have pushed the moral education of college students to an unprecedented height. The ideological and political education of college students has been carefully planned and fully mobilized. In the following ten years, colleges and universities in our country have firmly implemented the educational policy of the Party Central Committee and adhered to the basic principle of seeking truth from facts. To constantly study the law of moral and psychological development of college students and explore ways to improve the effectiveness of moral education. In this big era of complex international and domestic environments and rapid changes in science and technology and culture, It provides a natural umbrella for the growth of contemporary college students' physical and mental health, and provides a strong support for the successful development of moral education. At the same time, we should not relax and guide the moral education work to the direction of higher quality and more remarkable effect. It is an important way to improve the effectiveness of moral education in our country by comparing it with the methods of moral education in colleges and universities of other countries to absorb and learn from the beneficial experience of moral education in other countries. The cultural tradition is different from our country, and there are many disappointments in the development of teenagers' ideology and morality, but there are still some points that we can learn from the common civilization which is widely used by human beings. Based on the comparison of moral education methods between Chinese and American colleges and universities, this paper starts with the following five aspects: curriculum setup, classroom teaching methods, campus cultural environment, social practice activities, mass media and moral education infiltration of social public environment. Through the comparison of the five moral education methods between Chinese and American colleges and universities, four enlightenments, which can promote the improvement of moral education methods in China, are obtained: persisting in the political theory curriculum, expanding the curriculum system, constructing the moral education mode of students' subjectivity. Cultivate students' creative thinking; insist on the combination of explicit education and implicit education; introduce teacher guidance mechanism to strengthen the moral construction of student associations. Finally, summarize and expound the research content and achievements of the whole paper.


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