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发布时间:2018-03-23 09:35

  本文选题:高校教师人力资源 切入点:管理体制 出处:《吉林财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当今社会,激烈的知识竞争使人力资源成为了价值增值的主要原动力,知识的创新以及高科技成果的应用使经济发展获得了巨大的成果。我国高等教育体制紧跟世界发展形势,采取人事管理向人力资源管理的改革,高校教师有着丰富的知识创新能力,是促进我国教育事业向前发展的原动力。正是由于越来越多高层次人才的涌现,使高校人力资源管理工作需要适应发展趋势,以更高的要求来提升管理效率。从目前的研究现状来看,我国高校教师人力资源管理体制效率在理论和实践上都获得了一定的提升,但是应该意识到我国的高校教师人力资源管理体制方面还存在很多弊端:研究系统性不强,存在研究的间断性,缺乏对该项目的长期研究者,相关研究成果匮乏,而且不系统,比较单一。以上现状造成研究两极分化,有些研究过于宽泛,有些研究又过于细微。基于以上原因,本文将对目前已有研究成果进行总体分析的基础上,再进一步对我国高校教师人力资源管理体制存在的问题进行分析,进而提出相应的优化解决对策。 本文首先对高校教师人力资源管理体制效率的相关概念进行了界定和说明,指出了决定管理体制效率的多个因素;然后从人力资源管理模式、人力资源组织结构、人力资源隐形浪费三方面介绍我国现阶段高校教师人力资源管理体制存在的一系列问题,继而挖掘出这些问题存在的原因,包括管理理念、配置方式、运行机制等方面;第三,通过论述美日两国教师管理中的内部机制来分析国外高校人力资源管理体制现状,继而指出了我国高校教师管理体制中存在的问题和努力方向,其中包括借鉴美国高校兼职教师管理的成功经验以优化我国高校教师人力资源管理体制。最后针对以上问题,结合国外研究成果总结出四点对策,,即人力资源刚性管理与柔性管理的结合,优化人力资源配置的组织结构,基于知识管理的人力资源管理模式的构建以及建立和完善科学性的激励机制。 高校教师人力资源管理体制效率的不断提升是对我国高校内部管理体制的补充和完善,是充分调动高校教师工作积极性,提升高校教师自主创新意识,改善高校的文化氛围,为国家不断培养优秀人才的有效途径。
[Abstract]:In today's society, the fierce competition of knowledge of human resources has become the main driving force of value increment. The application of knowledge innovation and high-tech achievements so that economic development has obtained great achievements. China's higher education system with the development situation of the world, take the reform of personnel management to human resources management, university teachers have knowledge innovation ability the rich, is the driving force to promote China's education development. It is because of the emergence of more and more high level talents, need to adapt to the development trend of the human resource management of colleges and universities, to higher demand to enhance the management efficiency. From the present research situation, China's college teachers human resources management system efficiency have gained some improvement in theory and practice, but should be aware of the college teacher human resources management system in China still has a lot of disadvantages: Study The system is not strong, there is a gap of research, the lack of long-term study of the project, the lack of relevant research results, and system is relatively simple. The above situation of polarization, some research is too broad, some studies are too subtle. Based on the above reasons, this paper will present the research results based on the overall analysis on the further on the existing management system in China's colleges and universities human resources problems were analyzed, and then put forward the corresponding optimization countermeasures.
Firstly, the concepts related to the efficiency of human resource management system of university teachers is defined and illustrated, pointed out several factors determine the efficiency of management system; and then from the mode of human resource management, human resources organization structure, human resources invisible waste three aspects of the introduction of a series of problems existed in the management system of university teachers in China at the present stage of human resources then, find out the reasons for these problems, including management concept, configuration, operation mechanism and so on; third, through discussing the internal mechanism of the two countries in the management of teachers to analyze foreign university human resources management system present situation, and points out the problems existed in the management system of teachers in Colleges and universities in China and the direction of efforts, including learn from the successful experience of American College part-time teachers management to optimize the management system in China's colleges and universities human resources. Finally, to ask Combined with foreign research achievements, four countermeasures are summarized, namely, the combination of rigid management of human resources and flexible management, optimizing the organizational structure of human resource allocation, building the human resource management mode based on knowledge management, and establishing and improving the scientific incentive mechanism.
Improve the efficiency of system of human resources management of university teachers is to supplement and improve the internal management system of colleges and universities in China, is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers in Colleges and universities, improving college teachers' awareness of independent innovation, improve the cultural atmosphere, as the effective way to continue the cultivation of talents.



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