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发布时间:2018-03-23 16:29

  本文选题:高校带动型 切入点:产学研协同创新 出处:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Cooperative innovation is an important strategy of building an innovation oriented country, enhance the ability of higher school plan jointly issued by Ministry of education and Ministry of finance "(referred to as the" 2011 plan ") is an important measure to promote the universities to enhance the innovation ability, will effectively promote the universities and research institutions, enterprises and other players to carry out in-depth cooperation and innovation cooperation mode. Research collaborative innovation has a variety of models, including government, business driven, University drive and so on. In this paper, the development process of the status quo, promoting collaborative innovation mode, ask problems and countermeasures. This article based on the synergetics theory, using literature research method, investigation method and combination the case analysis method, origin and development driven research to our country university collaborative innovation mode of review and summary, investigation of our country University LED production Research status of collaborative innovation model, summarizes the main experiences of China's University led research collaborative innovation center, analysis of the driven collaborative innovation mode problems in foreign universities led collaborative research and innovation on the basis of the model, put forward the realization of China's University led collaborative research and rational innovation mode, diversified development and Countermeasures suggestions. The main contents are as follows: the first part: the developing course of our college driven collaborative innovation mode has experienced four stages, respectively, for the government to promote "instruction" stage, the government and enterprises "instructions" pull together, the active participation of the cooperation stage and the University led research collaborative innovation stage. The second part: the analysis of the status quo of China's University led research collaborative innovation model, discusses the university with dynamic type Collaborative innovation center, the Guangxi Normal University Southwestern Ethnic Medicine collaborative innovation center as the research object, conduct field research in the center, mainly summarize the characteristics of center of development. Secondly, summarize the driven collaborative innovation center experience, and found that enterprises pull, government guided research collaborative innovation model compared to the formation of the following points the characteristics in the development process, the initial formation of the matrix type management system; member assessment standard novel; project, standardizing the management of scientific research funds; training mode diversification; implementation of the assessment of the third party. The third part: the analysis of the driven collaborative innovation center in the development process of the existing problems: cooperation motivation, cooperative goal clear; Center members mostly part-time, the team is not stable enough; evaluation index is not comprehensive enough, the fourth part: analysis of the science. The development of foreign university led research collaborative innovation mode, select the Stanford University -- "Silicon Valley" as a case study, sum up experience, think that foreign university led research collaborative innovation model of successful reasons: first, adhere to the academic freedom of research universities, and adhere to the combination of teaching and scientific research; secondly, colleges and universities in the internal management, dilute the administrative management, pay attention to the production function of college, actively carry out in-depth cooperation with the industry. In addition, the government through the improvement of relevant laws and regulations, to provide adequate funding, the introduction of appropriate technology policies played an important role in the guidance and regulation; as the enterprise university research cooperation party, actively cooperate to accelerate the application of scientific research and production. At the same time, through the intermediary consulting, service guarantee function, in production, the communication gap between the research The bridge, promote the scientific research achievements of professional development. The fifth part: put forward the realization of China's University led collaborative research and rational innovation mode, countermeasures to diversify. This article from the government, enterprises, universities, scientific research institutions, five aspects of intermediaries, as in the government, the government should improve the relevant laws and regulations the provision of sufficient funds; in Colleges and universities, colleges and universities should change their ideas, to break the discipline barriers, the innovation of scientific research evaluation mechanism, the formation of scientific evaluation mechanism to innovation oriented, establish a diversified assessment system, break the limit fixed preparation of personnel management, the establishment of the task as the goal of the personnel management system; research "research institutions as the" party, should gradually establish a market-oriented development ideas, breaking the obstacles of the system, the internal organization management reform. At the same time, the scientific research institutions should The introduction of appropriate incentive policies to encourage researchers to actively participate in collaborative innovation activities; for enterprises, enterprises should change the short-term thinking of quick, active cooperation with universities, build test base, strengthen the research and development of platform construction, accelerate scientific and technological achievements and products should be used in intermediaries, intermediary institutions should strengthen their the organization construction, play technical services, assessment, brokerage and information consulting and other functions. The innovation of this paper is: a new topic, the present research relates to the topic of the sporadic, has not yet formed a mature system; two is the research content of this paper, a new object, in the southwest of Guangxi through the national medicine collaborative innovation center field research and interviews, first-hand information, in-depth analysis of the center, analysis of the main characteristics of the innovation driven collaborative research and existing problems, and on this basis On the other hand, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.



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