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发布时间:2018-03-23 16:33

  本文选题:创业教育 切入点:创业自我效能 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高校的扩招,越来越多的大学生面临着就业的问题。面对近几年来俄罗斯严峻的就业形势,大学生就业难问题越来越得到社会各界的关注。创业活动不仅给国家经济带来了促进作用,同时还能解决就业问题。大学生参与创业就成了解决就业难的重要举措,为此政府制定了各种优惠政策来鼓励大学生进行创业,然而实际情况是大学生实际进行创业的比率较低。因此,研究大学生创业意愿形成机制,从而提高大学生创业积极性具有积极的现实意义。 在上述背景下,进行创业自我效能对大学生创业意愿的影响研究,提出了创业教育、创业自我效能以及创业意愿的理论模型。为验证模型及假设,采用调查问卷的实证研究方法,以伊尔库茨克大学学生为研究对象,共发放调查问卷300份,有效回收238份。问卷回收后利用SPSS对其进行统计分析,,包括信效度的验证、相关分析、回归分析等。在此基础上,确定创业自我效能对创业意愿影响,并验证创业教育的调节作用。最后根据假设验证的结果针对性地提出了提高大学生创业意愿的策略。
[Abstract]:With the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, more and more college students are facing the problem of employment. In the face of the grim employment situation in Russia in recent years, The problem of college students' employment difficulties has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life. Entrepreneurial activities not only promote the national economy, but also solve the employment problems. Participation of college students in entrepreneurship has become an important measure to solve the employment difficulties. To this end, the government has formulated various preferential policies to encourage college students to start a business, but the actual situation is that the actual rate of university students undertaking entrepreneurship is relatively low. Therefore, it is of positive practical significance to improve the enthusiasm of college students. Under the above background, the influence of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial willingness of college students is studied, and a theoretical model of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial willingness is proposed. By using the empirical research method of questionnaire, 300 questionnaires were distributed to the students of Irkutsk University, and 238 questionnaires were collected effectively. After the questionnaires were collected, they were statistically analyzed by SPSS, including the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. On the basis of correlation analysis, regression analysis and so on, this paper determines the influence of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial willingness, and verifies the regulatory role of entrepreneurship education. Finally, according to the results of hypothesis verification, this paper puts forward some strategies to improve college students' entrepreneurial willingness.


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