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发布时间:2018-03-24 06:23

  本文选题:高等学校 切入点:绩效工资 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文以期望理论、公平理论、需求层次等理论作为论述理论基础,通过对H大学实地调查研究,充分了解H大学实现奖励性绩效工资改革前的环境,分析其办学层次、办学规模、人员构成、工资与收入分配制度和绩效改革前工资制度安排的基本特点及存在的问题;通过分析H大学绩效工资奖励方案的基本内容,结合改革实践,本文总结出H大学绩效改革存在以下主要问题:首先是绩效评价系统的科学性和公平性有待完善;其次是不同系收入差距依然显著;再次是院系内部分配矛盾突出。 针对上述问题,本文提出完善H大学奖励性绩效工资方案的若干建议:(1)应该坚持发展性评价与奖罚性评价并重原则,采用公认合理的绩效评估标准,并且实施过程和结果都要公开、公平、公正,以促进教学、科研长远发展为目标;(2)应该调节总量切块大小、优化集体业绩核定办法,从院系资金来源的角度着手解决院系间的收入不平衡;(3)敦促二级单位建立健全内部分配制度,规范工资发放流程,解决内部分配的不透明与矛盾。
[Abstract]:Based on expectation theory, fair theory, demand level theory and so on, through the field investigation and research of H University, this paper fully understands the environment of H University before the reform of incentive performance wage, and analyzes the level of running a school. The basic characteristics and existing problems of the salary system arrangement before the reform of the salary and income, the basic contents of the performance wage incentive scheme of H University, and the reform practice, are analyzed in this paper, which includes the scale of running a school, the composition of the personnel, the distribution system of wages and income and the existing problems. This paper concludes that H University performance reform has the following main problems: first, the performance evaluation system needs to be improved scientifically and equitably; secondly, the income gap between different departments is still significant; thirdly, the contradiction of distribution within the departments is prominent. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the incentive performance wage scheme of H University. (1) We should adhere to the principle of equal emphasis on development evaluation and reward and punishment evaluation, and adopt generally accepted and reasonable performance evaluation standards. And the implementation process and results should be open, fair and impartial, with the goal of promoting the long-term development of teaching and scientific research. From the point of view of the source of funds, the author urges the secondary units to establish and perfect the internal distribution system, standardize the wage distribution process, and solve the opacity and contradiction of the internal distribution.


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